Witless (Lonely Souls #3) - Autumn Reed Page 0,14

was pushing back. That I was negotiating. He liked that I’d learned from the best—from him.

“You want me to begin officially grooming you to take over Sharpe Shipping?”

I waited for elation to wash over me at the offer. It was what I’d been waiting for. It was all I’d thought I ever wanted—to finally earn my place in this family.

I’d thought I was destined to be the one at my father’s side. The one he would pass the mantle to.

But something Thea had said to me chose that moment to finally sink in. I think you’re blinded by your desire to become him. Sure, you can someday run his company, your family, this town. But what will you sacrifice to get there?

At the time, I’d believed all I had to sacrifice was the time and energy I would have to pour into proving myself. But it was more than that. To become my father’s righthand man—to become him—I would have to sacrifice something far more valuable. My soul.

Because, as ironic as it may be, Dad had been right all those times he’d told me I didn’t have what it took to be him. I didn’t. And I sure as hell didn’t want to.

“No, that’s not what I want.”

He narrowed his eyes on me and asked in a curious tone, “Then, what is it that you want?”

“I want you to leave me, Leo, and Tristin alone. I want you to let us live our lives the way we want to, even if that means more than one of us dating Thea.”

Leo and Tristin hadn’t come right out and stated their plan to me, but I could see the writing on the wall. They were getting along way too well for both being in love with same girl. And I was well-informed on current events. Polyamory wasn’t the dirty word it had always been. Our generation was more open to unconventional relationships than the previous ones.

Dad’s expression didn’t change, though his voice was hard when he asked, “Do you have any idea what that would do to our family’s reputation?”

“Which scandal is worse? Your ex-wife who basically lives with you murdering your former fiancée, or your sons in a relationship with the same woman?” I shrugged. “Your choice.”

He stared at me for so long, I began to think I’d overplayed my hand. Eventually he said coolly, “Okay, but you’re making a mistake.”

“You know, Dad, I really don’t think I am.” I grinned at him, feeling lighter than I had in months.

He gave me a slight nod before turning to face the front of the vehicle. Meanwhile, I sat back and gave myself a mental pat on the back.

At the end of the day, I could either choose to ally myself with my father, or I could support my brothers and Thea. And, for the first time in my life, the choice had been simple.

Chapter Eight


The next few days were a blur of avoidance and activities. Tobias had his tryout, we’d gone to Leo’s football game, and even caught a movie. Leo and Tristin must have made some kind of pact to never leave me alone with Tobias, because I seemed to always find one of them by my side.

It was as odd as it was reassuring. Because, even though the brothers had been getting along better since my accident, it was like some invisible piece had finally clicked into place. They were working as a team, and I couldn’t detect even a hint of animosity between them. Even over me.

Not that I was so full of myself to believe they should be fighting over me. But there’d been this air of competition between them that was just…gone. And I didn’t understand it, except to assume that Tristin’s feelings for me had changed.

Which was fine. I mean, it was good. I was with Leo, and Tristin seeing me as only a friend made things simpler. And that was what I needed right now—simplicity.

Or so I would keep telling myself.

Hayle hadn’t shown his face at the townhouse even once, and I couldn’t decide if I was more angry or worried over his absence. Vincent had let Leo know that they’d checked Lily into a mental health facility on Friday morning. So, part of me understood that Hayle had to be struggling with leaving her.

But I couldn’t get the memory of him telling me that she wasn’t going to hurt me out of my head. He hadn’t been there. He hadn’t seen the wildness in

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