Without Fear - Reese Knightley Page 0,68

closed backdoor. The paint on both the porch and the door was cracked and cratered. The wood should easily give way. He slowly crouched back down.

“Easy peasy,” Sergeant Isaac Thorne whispered and waggled his eyebrows through the eye slit in his mask. Then the soldier walked a knife through the fingers of one black gloved hand as casual as you fucking please.

Hunkered down next to them, Sergeant Blade Hammond rolled her eyes and gave Isaac a suffering look before she pulled down her face mask.

River pulled on his oxygen mask and the rest of the team followed suit.

From their left, Sergeant Ethan Caufield ran in a crouching run. When the man reached the house, he spider climbed up the side and crept across the roof.

“Attic entrance. Bravo out,” Ethan finally replied through the mic once he reached the entry point from above.

“Roger that. Infinity, mission is a go,” dispatch said.

Leaping to the porch, River kicked in the old door. Wood splintered with a loud crack.

River went in low with Isaac and Blade at his back. The house was small, maybe three bedrooms, and as a result, the floor shook when the rest of his unit slammed entry at once. It had the desired effect.

The windows blew in at the den. He ducked back for a moment. A loud crack from the flash grenade erupted and then he was moving around the corner and back into the room.

Drug addicts scattered, coughing and hacking in the smoke. Two long-haired, shirtless, skeletal-looking men flew from the hole-riddled couch. The glass from a mirror shattered and tumbled to the ground with a crash, razor blades flew, and white powder sprayed the air and the stained carpet. A lamp was kicked over in the fray. Three half-dressed women screamed and ran for various rooms.

One came right at him, and when she swung, he gripped her arms, twisted, and placed them behind her back before shoving her at Blade. In seconds, Blade zip-tied the woman’s hands and shoved her toward the back door where more of their team waited.

River kept moving, gun raised, and with one hand cupping the other, he moved swiftly across the living room and down the hallway. He reached the last bedroom door, yanked off his mask, and waited until Isaac and Blade were at the other two bedroom doors. Ethan, having dropped down from the attic opening, stood in the middle of the hallway.

Giving a nod, River kicked in the bedroom door simultaneously as the other two kicked in the other bedroom doors. He went in at a roll as a shot was fired and punched through the wall above his head.

The obese gunman sat on the bed holding a young, terrified girl in front of him as a shield. She wasn’t really big enough to cover much of the guy.

The man’s gun was pointed at him. “Get back!”

River shot the guy in the leg and the man screamed and reached down, clutching his knee. River kept coming across the room, he had closed the distance before the guy could fucking blink.

Pressing the obese man’s head down between his legs, River easily held the guy hunched over. Within a moment, he had completely disarmed him.

In the next instant, the tiny girl fell from the perp’s grip and went scrambling up and running for the door.

“I’ve got her,” Blade said, scooping up the crying child.

“Close the door on your way out,” River told Blade quietly.

“Wait!” the man called out with a face turned red from being held hunched over.

The door closed and River put his boot to the guy’s chest and shoved. The overly large man went toppling back onto the bed.

River field-stripped the suspect’s gun while the perp rolled around and then finally managed to sit back up.

“What are you going to do?” Fear darkened the man’s eyes.

“You like to hurt women and children. What do you think I should do?” River sneered, studying the man like a bug.

“You can’t kill me.”

“I can’t?” He lifted his own gun and put it to the fucker’s forehead.

Sweat trickled down the suspect’s face.

“Where’s Lieutenant Seeger?” Captain Elijah Cobalt’s deep voice boomed through the house and bounced in his ear off the mic.

“He’s in the back room with the child abuser, Captain,” Isaac said like it was no big deal.


The house jumped a bit when Elijah’s big boots pounded on the wooden floor. A few seconds later, the door was thrown open and Elijah’s large frame filled up the open doorway.

Out for Justice Series






Code of Honor Series

Cutting It Close

Risking It All

Bringing It Home

Taking It Slow

Cobalt Security Series

Without Warning

Pacific Northwest Shifter Series




To my fans, as always, these stories are for you.

Reese spends her time creating stories from the characters rattling around in her head. Her love of reading mystery, action and adventure, and fantasy books led to her love of writing. Reese works as a full-time writer. She loves to hear from her readers. Check out her website at reeseknightleyauth.wixsite.com/mysite. You can reach her on Facebook , Twitter, and Instagram. Her email address is [email protected]

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