Without Fear - Reese Knightley Page 0,52

In fact, I’m having Hitch pull up some information that I think you’ll both find interesting.”

Hitch smiled and tapped at the computer.

“What’s up?” Logan hurried over to check out the data on the computer.

“I’ve been thinking.” Hayden tipped his head.

“Well, that’s dangerous.” Jaxon smirked and Hayden flipped the man the finger.

“What if Macy walked a few miles away from the train station in Colorado Springs before catching a cab or car?” Hayden said, turning to him.

“You mean, like he caught a cab from a nearby hotel or restaurant?” He frowned.

“Yes. Another possibility is he caught a hotel van out of the bus station.”

“I checked all the hotel vans leaving the bus station already,” Hitch said.

“Okay.” Hayden tapped at his chin. “Did you check cars picking up at any surrounding hotels?” Hayden asked the cute techie.

“It is plausible.” Logan scratched his fingers at the stubble growing on his jaw.

“I’ll widen my search,” Hitch said, fingers flying over the keyboard. The young man had been a rock through this whole thing. The guy worked data like it was his bitch and if Hitch hadn’t already been an FBI agent, Logan would have hired him on the spot.

“And here it is,” Hitch crowed, pointing at the screen. “Mark Gleason rented a car from a Hyatt Hotel.”

“Get me the GPS on that rental,” Alexander said, approaching with a cup of coffee.

“On it,” Hitch said under his breath. “It drove from Colorado Springs to Denver yesterday.” Hitch rattled off the time.

Denver. Macy was here in Denver.

“Get on the phone to Wild. Have him, Jett, and Nathan head back this way,” Logan said, taking a deep, relieved breath. It was the first sign of life they had had and his eyes burned.

Hayden jumped on the phone, and Logan moved to the desk he’d taken over and sat in the chair. Blinking his burning eyes, he turned to gaze out the window at the Denver skyline. The sun was just peeking over the horizon, but he missed the beauty of it.

His cell phone rang and he grabbed it from the desk and brought it to his ear.


“Logan?” a deep voice asked.

“Yes?” He straightened up and turned his chair around.

“It’s Mac Mackenzie.”

He jerked to his feet and the room snapped to attention. He’d worked with US Marshal Mac Mackenzie on a joint operation along with Phoenix, the FBI, and US Marshals. He’d been to the man’s house for a New Year’s celebration.

“Mac, good to hear from you. What’s going on?”

“I’m on the phone with Macy Finch. He says he knows and trusts you and would like you to give him a ride.”

Joy and relief made his chest hurt. He shoved his chair aside and came around the desk.

“Where is he?”

“That’s the thing, he’s in Denver, but can’t tell me exactly where he’s at. I don’t want to hang up because he sounds like he’s going to pass out.”

“Is he calling from a burner phone?”

“Yes. It was given to him by US Marshal James Stanton.”

“Not a smartphone?”

Mac huffed. “No, I already asked.”

“Does he know a nearby street at least?” His brain was going a mile a fucking minute.

“No,” Mac said. “But he has the serial number of the burner phone.”

Logan spun to Hitch. “Get me the location of that burner phone.”

Hitch’s fingers flew over the keys once Mac rattled off the number. “He’s at the corner of North Broadway and Larimer Street.”

“Mac? Tell him we’re about ten minutes away.”

Logan called Echo and at the stress in his voice, the Bull Mastiff went into high alert. His dog was very attuned to his worry.

Logan stayed on the phone to keep the lines of communication open with both Macy and Mac.

“Is he hurt?”

“He took a bullet,” Mac answered gruffly.

Fear leant him speed as he took the stairs upward to his office and rummaged through his dresser for the shirt that was Macy’s. He again used the stairs to run back down so he wouldn’t risk losing reception in the elevator. Reaching the parking level, he jumped in Jaxon’s jeep with Jaxon behind the wheel and Hayden in the back seat.

For someone so big, Brick was fast and the bodyguard jumped into the back with Hayden.

Jaxon tore out of the parking garage and floored it down the street.

They made it in four minutes and that was saying something with the traffic on Broadway, but it was still very early morning.

“Drop me off at the front. Double park if you have to!”

Early morning had the sidewalk somewhat deserted.

Logan was out of the jeep

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