Without Fear - Reese Knightley Page 0,37

his office.”

“How’d he even know?”

“Frank,” Macy admitted. “I told Frank everything. I think Frank went to Alexander.”

“Did you feel betrayed?”

“Nah. The FBI has been after Siegel for a long time. He ran close to a hundred kilos of cocaine in and out of Vegas a month. With that video and my testimony, he’s going away for life.”

“What about the people above him?”

“You mean Siegel’s boss?” At Logan’s nod, Macy said, “Hopefully, Siegel will flip to make a deal and setup his boss in exchange for some leniency.”

“Can the FBI make a deal with a murderer?”

“If the price is right.”

Logan shook his head and took a bite of food.

“Sadly, it’s true,” he said softly and pushed his pasta around on his plate. “To save millions, two deaths are considered collateral damage.”

That was easy to say, unless those killed happened to be loved ones.

What if something happened to the citizens of Crumpet? He couldn’t shake off the thought, and the more he thought about it, the more worried he became. He poked at the soggy looking broccoli next to his uneaten pasta.

They sat quietly and finished the meal or at least he’d eaten as much as he could having lost his appetite. The waiter dropped off their check and he handed the man his credit card.

Logan reached across the table and slipped his fingers through his, lacing them tightly together.


He glanced up at the gravelly tone and froze. Logan’s eyes blazed with heat and need and something just beyond his understanding. When it dawned on him, his heart slammed against his ribs.

Oh no, don’t say it. He watched as Logan’s lips parted and the man took a deep breath.

“I -”

As quickly as he could, he leaned across the small table and put a hand over Logan’s mouth.

“No, don’t say it,” he gritted out harshly, his eyes burning at the warmth growing in Logan’s eyes.

“Let’s go,” he said abruptly and stood.

Logan was quiet on the drive back to the beach house and Macy was glad. The silence gave him time to think.

The house was quiet when they entered. Most of the men were still on the sting in case Siegel showed. Hayden and Jett had accompanied them back here, following them in a black SUV when they left the restaurant.

He wracked his brain over and over on how to approach the discussion he knew they needed to have. It was one thing to risk his own life as an agent, it was another to risk Logan, his team, and this town. Sure, Logan’s men were trained bodyguards and ex-military, but in the end, they weren’t law enforcement and he was.

Macy closed the bedroom door and leaned back against it, watching as Logan eased the shirt off over his head and tossed it aside.

When he didn’t move, Logan glanced toward him. Something in his expression caused the man to stop moving.

“What?” Logan frowned.

“Let’s talk.”

“About what?”

“About this.” He waved his hand between them.

“Macy, I love…”

“No,” he interrupted, pressing a hand to his own mouth. “Don’t say it.”

“Ok.” Logan’s face turned to stone and Macy would have given anything to take the look of hurt from the man’s green eyes.

“Just…save it,” he amended. “Tell me when I see you again. If you feel the same way then.”

“You’re not going anywhere,” Logan growled.

Damn it! How many times did they need to have this fucking argument before Logan started treating him like an agent?

“You don’t control me or my actions.”

Logan’s hands clenched and unclenched while his eyes burned with the need to call the shots. Well, Macy had news for the guy. If they were ever going to have a chance at having anything together after this case, then this shit stopped now.

“Look.” He took a deep breath to try and control his own rising anger. “The sooner you accept that you can’t control me, the better off we’ll be.”

“I don’t want to control you.”

Macy arched one eyebrow. “No? Then tell me what you’re thinking right now.”

Logan’s throat moved.

“And a hard swallow isn’t an answer.”

“I can protect you.”

“I can protect myself.”


Macy believed Logan meant it that he could protect him, but he wouldn’t be treated any less than as an equal.

In every way.

And that made his decision much easier.


He gripped Macy’s hand tightly as they walked to the gravesite.

He was afraid that if he didn’t, Macy would break away from him and walk away, never looking back.

With his free hand, Macy angled the big black umbrella over their heads. Around them were his men and those of Macy’s

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