Without Fear - Reese Knightley Page 0,34

or sell it. The Mayor of Crumpet, Jethro Plunket, was still in the process of finding the owner’s relatives.

Macy put in a call to Jett and Nathan and the pair joined them. When the agents arrived, there were no introductions as the men had met previously at his apartment. Food was produced and everyone ate.

An hour later, most of the men gathered around when he pulled out a map of Crumpet and spread it over the dining room table.

“Jett, Nathan, I need you on each side of the town.” He pointed to the one main street.

“Will do.” Jett grabbed his coat and left with Nathan.

“What about the small airport?” Logan asked.

“I can have the sheriff station a few men there,” Macy responded.

“It’s all quiet out there,” Jaxon said, entering the back door with Felix. The pair came closer to check out the map of Crumpet.

“So, you’ve put Jett and Nathan on watching the way in and out of town, but what is the plan?” Hayden asked.

“I’m going to draw Siegel out,” he said.

Silence reigned around the table; he felt several pairs of eyes on him. Logan’s were fixed on his face in what looked to be a death glare.

“What makes you think he won’t shoot you on sight?” Logan growled.

“He wants that video.”

“Doesn’t the FBI have the video?” Felix asked.

“They do.” He nodded and finally turned to Logan. “And I’m FBI. So, he’ll think he can use me to get the evidence.”

“Just like he used your friend, Frank?” Jaxon murmured.

He sucked in a breath and glared at Jaxon. “He used Frank to find out where I was. Once he had that information, Frank was no longer useful.” At least, that was what he suspected. His chest grew tight and he fisted his hands.

“So, as long as he doesn’t have the video, he’ll keep you alive,” Hayden added.

“Well, hopefully, I’ll have taken him into custody before he takes me hostage.” He whirled around and strode from the table and felt Logan on his ass. Walking through the house, he entered one of the larger bedrooms. He didn’t bother shutting the door, because Logan moved into the room and slammed it.

“I know you’re angry and so fucking hurt about Frank, but this is a stupid idea.”

“Did I ask for your opinion?” He turned on Logan.

Logan stood his ground, head tipped, and Macy was so tempted to brush the hair from his forehead. The tiredness in his eyes had Macy wanting to coax Logan to lay on the bed, but the man was gearing up for a fight.

“Macy, please be reasonable. You can’t take these guys on alone.”

“Jesus Christ, Logan,” he finally growled, completely out of patience. “Your opinion of my skills as an agent is pissing me off. What in the hell makes you think I’m doing this alone?”

Logan blinked at him, and then rubbed at his upper lip. “You’re not?”

He scowled. “For someone so bright, you’re kind of thick. I’m an FBI agent. I’m not a one man show.”

Logan’s lips pursed and his head tilted just a bit. “You’re my one man show.”

Macy rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t stop the tilt of his lips. “You’re such a dork.”

Logan’s gaze heated and he stepped closer. Macy stepped back, not ready to forgive the thick-headed bozo. Logan kept coming until Macy felt the bed behind him. He sat on his ass and looked up at Logan.

Instead of pushing him back and making a pass, Logan dropped down to sit at his side and sighed.

“I’m sorry,” the hunk muttered, and Macy slipped his palm up Logan’s back and closed his hand gently on the man’s neck.


“Who are you taking with you?” Logan rasped.

“Hopefully, a few of your men and a few marshals that drove down from Fern.”

“Fern, Oregon?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I have a few family friends up there. Some of them are men who use to work for my brother.”

“You know Whiplash Tauber or James Stanton?”

“No, but I bet Diesel knows them.”

“Is Diesel the one that reported to your brother?”

“He did until he retired and met the love of his life.”

“There’s plenty enough of us for this operation.” Macy smiled and Logan cupped his face.

“I can’t go with you,” Logan admitted, his voice was filled with regret.

Macy slipped his hands up and over Logan’s forearms.

“You’ll be my base.”


A week later, he was climbing the fucking walls.

And the sling Macy insisted he wear irritated the hell out of him. He was on the mend. The wound was itching like fuck and he wanted to be out

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