The Witch's Daughter - Laken Cane Page 0,90

who counseled him and went anyway.

“It is said that lord Ariessin lost so much of himself while there that he barely made it back home—and even when he did, he was never the same. He hid himself away and is rarely seen by anyone.” She lowered her voice, as though the witch might be listening and use the words against her. “It is also said that he left Karin Love with a baby in her belly.”

Cold chills shook Rune’s body. “Oh shit,” she whispered. “He’s a demon, isn’t he?

“He is. And is—or was—a very powerful one.”

“What did she do to him?”

Ada shrugged. “That I don’t know. He never told his story. But she broke him.” Her laugh was sharp and a little excited. “A powerful demon, broken by a pathetic human.”

But Rune was no longer listening.

The demon lord of the Death Shimmer was Lex’s father.

She knew it.

If Karin had been in love with a demon—and had been hurt by him, that would explain her excessive hatred of Others. A hatred strong enough to develop into COS.

One did not cross Karin Love. One did not scorn her.

Obviously, Ariessin, the demon lord, hadn’t been a match for Karin Love. Not in her world. Crossing over, he would have lost some of his power.

But if Ariessin were Lex’s father, and one of Rune’s makers, then she and Lex were…they were something of sisters. Just as she and Snow were.

Vaguely, arguably sisters.

Rune gestured at Abby. “Abby told me you can bespell a vessel so we can contain Karin Love inside it. Will you help us?”

“You have a vessel?”

“Shit.” Rune looked around, as though a suitable jar would suddenly appear. “I don’t, but surely there are some in the kitchen. I’ll be right back.”

“Never you mind,” Ada said. “I have something.” She ducked behind the curtain and reappeared in seconds with a small glass jar with a cork in its long neck.

Abby hung back against the far wall, looking curiously shy, but when Ada held out the jar, she hurried forward to take it. “Thank you, madam,” she said, and curtsied.

Ada nodded regally despite her bent back and lined face.

“Did you put the spell on it?” Rune asked.

“Of course, of course. Now hurry to get this task completed so that you might concentrate on the more important matter at hand.”

Rune took her hand and shook it gently. “Thank you, old—er, Ada.”

“What will you do now?” Abby asked.

“The same as everyone else. I shall await the witch’s demise and see what the new world brings.” She looked suddenly at Rune. “We will need a new ruler appointed. If you decline to take the seat and would neglect your position, you must name your replacement. You must select a worthy ruler.”

Rune opened her mouth but couldn’t think of a single thing to say but, “Goodbye, old Ada. I may see you again when I return.”

Ada frowned, her eyes nearly disappearing in the folds of her wrinkles. “You will not return.”

“I will. Someone I love is here. I will come back.”

“Princess. When you set things right, the fates will give you one chance to leave us. The portal will not remain open. You cannot come back.” She nodded at the shock on Rune’s face. “Make your choice before it is too late.”

“Fuck,” Rune whispered. “That can’t be right.”

“Take heart,” Ada said. “There is no wrong choice. Now go. You have work to do.”

Rune and Abby, jar in hand, fled the ruined castle.

“I wonder if Ariessin is aware she’s here,” Abby murmured, once they’d procured a mount and were on their way back to Lex and the berserker.

“How could he be?”

“Wouldn’t you think you could feel the person who’d had such an impact on your life? Karin Love sent a powerful demon into hiding. I’d think he could somehow feel her.”

“Yeah,” Rune said. “Karin Love had an impact on a lot of people, but not in a good way. She’s like Damascus.”

“One more thing,” Abby said.


“Your mother is a soul eater.”

“Yeah, I know.” And she wanted to throw up every time she thought about it.

“As her daughter, you have likely inherited that ability. If anything happens and you need to take her out quickly, you can eat her soul. I know it’s a horrible thing, and you wouldn’t want to do it…”

“I wouldn’t do it,” Rune said, her voice flat.

“Still. You might have that option, should you need it.”

“I won’t. I’d rather die than have that nasty fucking bitch’s soul swirling around inside me for the rest of forever.”

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