Witchling Academy - Avery Song Page 0,80

newfound dedication gave the prince even more power and with a single command, black bolts of thunder struck the enemies, one after another, until their lifeless bodies littered the surroundings of the kingdom. When the enemy was vanquished, the people bowed at the mercy of the prince and apologized for their lack of trust. The prince returned to be the little boy but he had something to say."

"What did he say?"

"He told them 'You knew of who I was destined to be but were afraid of change. You were told lies and deceitful words that the power blessed from our gods was evil, and yet you believed because you were afraid of new beginnings. The enemy around us was ready to slay all of you for your blind beliefs after you murdered the savior amongst your own flesh. From the lands of the earth, water, fire, and air, to the roaring thunder, gorgeous light, and the darkness that hides in waiting, the gods created the elements to serve us, all of them made equal and divine. What is perceived as good can also be perceived as evil, and today proves what can happen when you decide one is holy and the other cloaked with sin. The gods would not allow the sun to set for the night if the darkness was meant to destroy their creations. The moon is just as powerful as the sun, just as the darkness that cloaks us at night in protection allows the light to have enough strength to rise during the day to help us function. None of this was ever about light and darkness. All you ever feared was change.’"

His words made perfect sense as they sank into my mind, and I lowered my gaze as I whispered, "They were afraid of change but that very change is what saved them."

"Change is always hard because you have to leave behind a routine, situation, or circumstance that you've gotten far too used to. We all change. Whether it's age or situations that force us to change. Experiences, whether good or bad, can make a great impact on who we become as we age and grow. Sometimes those experiences lead us astray, while other circumstances help awaken what we've wished to retrieve in our life. Without change, we'd be left at a standstill, like a statue. At the end of the day, would you want to remain a stagnant being with a beating heart? Or would you want to evolve by shedding old skin and allowing your new set of wings to spread so you can soar through the skies and see what you're truly missing from the lands below?”

His hand moved under my chin, lifting my head up to meet his gaze once more.

"The moral of the story, and why it struck a chord in me, is that it encourages us to take risks that will lead to change. Sometimes that change results in being put in a situation where the world tries to tear you down, or being in a group environment that only wants to see your downfall. There may be times where you, yourself, begin to acknowledge that you're not the same person you were six months ago. A year ago, ten years ago. You've changed, but that's the point of life. To grow, learn, and gather enough lessons to make this life worth living before we have to go home."

When he kissed me this time, it was long and deep, and soon I was pressed against the desk while he was on top of me.

We kissed and kissed, but none of it felt overwhelming. It felt good to be lost in the movement of his lips and the way his hands pinned me down with gentle force. If it wasn't for my burning lungs, I'm sure I would have never stopped, but the end came, and we were both left panting heavily.

His smile was priceless as his eyes softened while taking in my flushed expression.

"So don't be afraid of change, Brianne. We don't say it as much as we should, but we love the changes we're seeing in you. How you're moving out of that shell and allowing your wings to spread and allow you to fly. I know it may be scary, and at times you're worried about whether our love will still be as strong as it is now," he explained.

He moved to kiss right above my heart, his lips warm and sending tingles through my flesh as

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