Witchling Academy - Avery Song Page 0,73

Academy hadn't yet sunk in. The thought that in a few short months, we'd be graduates and have to figure out what to do next was terrifying. I don't know if it was just me, but I was missing the great satisfaction of achieving something as great as graduating from school.

It could have been the fact I didn't feel quite prepared for what was to come, or that I felt like I needed to learn and perform more to achieve that level of satisfaction. I was keeping my feelings regarding all of that to myself, for now, but pondered if the others felt the same.

With this new semester starting, I merely had to say a little prayer in hopes it wouldn't be troublesome. Our trip had essentially been smooth. Even with the blonde chick and "mini tsunami", everything else had been a blast.

It was now the Notorious Five's mission to go back there again, only on our own accord and money. It would take some time to save, but the goal would be ours to achieve in a few years.

"How was summer?" Alice asked as she sat down. "I heard you guys got to travel."

"It was intriguing, to say the least," I replied and stretched my arms. "I'm a little too tanned now."

Alice laughed and nodded. "I was getting multiple confused looks this morning and I figured we may look alike if you spent too much time in the sun without sunscreen."

"I didn't bring any," I declared and hid my face with my hands. "A beach sin, I know."

"You're lucky you didn't get a sunburn."

"That already sounds like a pain. There were lots of shady spots so people wouldn't get lightheaded from the heat which was nice," I admitted. "Did you have to spend the summer here?"

"Thank goodness, no." She shook her head. "I was able to go back for the summer and then had a gatekeeper bring me back here. I only need to portray that I'm attending a different school for one semester. It's a bit of a hindrance, honestly. Sorry that you guys have to deal with it."

"None of us are complaining," I reasoned. "Is it an administrative problem?"

"Sort of," she confessed. "We're trying to portray the illusion that I'm ‘gone’ from the school and whatnot. A jealous group set me up, so staying away for a semester in a different universe seemed a good way to prove my innocence."

"Why didn't you just go to a different school?" I suggested.

"I want to give off the presumption that they banished me away for death," Alice elaborated. "Complicated stuff, but I want to play the element of surprise. Coming over here and attending the semester will be my back-up to prove I didn't skip school, which will make sure they don't try to hold me back."

"Yup. That sounds complicated without much detail," I agreed and bobbed my head for added emphasis. "Um...did Professor Phoenix go into detail about the whole sister thing?"

"Ya." Alice paused as if she were deep in thought. "Guess magic is truly amazing. I don't blame my mom for wanting me, but it would have been nice if she'd stayed to raise me."

"She didn't stay?" I looked at her with wide eyes and Alice gave me a conflicted look while attempting to smile.

"Let's just say you can pray, dream, and wish for something, but when it's finally in your grasp, forget how valuable it was when you didn't have it in your possession." Her words held so much sadness that she tried to cover up. "I'm not mad anymore or anything. I'm alive, have three amazing boyfriends, and a familiar that makes life fun. Aside from the drama, I've been enjoying my life without making everything catch on fire."

"Catch on fire?"

"It's a long, long story for that one." She smirked. "Either way, I never expected to be hiding in another universe. Your lands are basically the same as ours."

"Makes you wonder how many universes are out there, doesn't it?" I whispered while admiring the idea. "If we all live in rows of universes that are parallel to one another and all have the same Earth and countries etcetera."

"Could be very possible." Alice sighed. "The galaxy connects us all together."

We were quiet for a moment before I noted, "I'll have to make an announcement that my cousin will be joining us for the semester so people don't bombard you."

"That would be nice. At least no weird looks." Alice looked relieved by the idea. "I deal with enough

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