Witchling Academy - Avery Song Page 0,6

never happened."

"Mistress! You can't leave me!" Fuwa whined.

Aon sighed. "Looks like this is going to be an annoying mess to fix."

"At least they passed!" Mia and Miya cheered.

"I think that's the least of their problems!" Starlight screamed. "Mom! Dad! We're having an emergency family meeting right now!"

“Oh, look over there.” Father pointed behind Starlight. "Limited edition hazelnut whipped cream."

"What?!" Starlight looked over her shoulder, and when we all looked back, our parents had vanished.

"Oh, the world is ending today!”

"What's going on?" Katsume was at the doorway, looking at Alice, who was still on the floor.

Before anyone could explain, Starlight grabbed Aon, who dropped the two children and was gone in a flash.

“Oh, no.” Katsume gave us a worried look. "Did someone drop a bomb on her?"

"On us, yeah.”

"Um..." Katsume looked at us, then Alice, who was being helped up by Mia and Miya, and then at the two fighting familiars.

"This...hmm. I feel as though you guys could have ended this semester on a less chaotic note," she concluded. "Well, guess I better help break these two apart. Aww, this one is a wolf familiar. Who's this little guy?!"

"Go away, FU!" the guy declared before zapping Katsume.


Kaito and Connor rushed into the room, watching the madness as Katsume fell to the ground, looking as though she was trying to recover from the electric zap.

They didn't even say a word as they looked at the familiars, then Alice, and then back to us.

"Can we just spell travel to the future?" I wondered, actually considering it as a yawn escaped me.

"I'm actually tempted," Jax sighed.

"Semester Seven, here we come," I weakly cheered before I fell right back asleep.

* * *

"What happened to Fuwa?" I inquired. "I mean, I know he's in timeout, but he poofed into well...a boy? Also, where's Alice?"

"She's asleep in the other room. You've both been out for a few hours. It's night time now."

"Marvelous." I was trying to get over the big elephant in the room that I probably wouldn’t get an answer to right away.

I'm a twin? That doesn't make any sense. I thought it was impossible for me to be a twin. Was she also reincarnated? If she was, how would the two past mes be the me now? Does that even make sense? Why is this so complicated?

The stroke of my cheek caught my attention, but the kiss that followed took my breath away. My nerves immediately began to calm as soft lips moved firmly against mine. I could feel hints of Connor’s worry, but the passion within him was far stronger.

It could easily consume me if I allowed it, and I wished we were anywhere other than this hospital bed. He broke the kiss but kept his close distance as his eyes opened just slightly to look into mine.

"Take one step at a time," he encouraged. "I know it's a lot. We just have to work through this in a way that doesn't overwhelm us."

"Okay," I whispered and allowed myself to take a deep inhale and let it out slowly. "It's a little hard."

"I know." He sat back down on the stool next to the bed and lifted my hand in his. "I'm right here to remind you." His smile made me grin as well, and the two of us stared at one another as his hand squeezed mine.

"Am I interrupting a moment?"

We looked over to the door to see Professor Phoenix and Jax. She seemed pleased that I was awake, judging by her warm smile. Jax was holding a sleeping Elsa and Fuwa in his arms while Luna sat on his shoulder and was licking a part of his hair that was near his ear.

"Not at all," Connor answered. "Welcome back, both of you."

Jax entered the room and walked over to the other side of the hospital bed. Luna jumped onto my bed, going right to the spot in front of my crossed legs. She walked in a circle three times and settled into the white sheets.


"Hi, Luna," I greeted as Jax lowered Fuwa and Elsa next to Luna. The two familiars were totally asleep. It always filled my heart with love to see their peaceful expressions.

Jax leaned over to kiss me, a tender, moving kiss, before he whispered, "Feeling a little better?"

"The world isn't spinning and there have been no other revelation bombs so I think I'm pretty good," I answered and lifted my hand to move one of his long strands of his hair that was clearly in the middle of his

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