Witchling Academy - Avery Song Page 0,4

rays of light that began to peek through the clouds from above us.


I lowered my gaze to him, watching the seriousness in his eyes as he whispered, "Your talents will be sought out. Just like your loyalty. Those who seek power will want you on their side but remember who you love. The side they choose is the one I want you to follow. Don't be influenced by the bad of the world below, the addictive creations made to destroy those gifted with immense potential. Be a deliverer of light, and you will be rewarded like you have been today."

I noticed his body begin to drift backward, getting further away from me as I took in the realization that he was leaving me.


"I love you, Finnick. I'm proud of you for following your heart, and a day won't go by without me checking on you." He began to wave. "I have to go now. Mom and Dad are waiting for me."

It was as if his mention had summoned both of them. My eyes grew while they took in the sight of Mom and Dad. They weren't in the states they had been in when they left this world. No. They were blooming with healthy smiles, skin, and bodies.

Mother had her long hair, and was donned in a white dress that flowed in the wind. Father wore a white suit, and his strands blew in the wind like Mother’s. They moved from one another, stepping out on opposite sides to give enough space for Flynn as he came to a slow stop between them.

They laid their hands on his shoulders, and it was his moment to acknowledge each of them with watery eyes and trembling smiles.

I couldn't hear what either of them said, but their words only made Flynn laugh in relief as his tears fell and he looked back at me, as did my parents.

The three of them stood there, their acknowledgment as bright as the sun's rays.

This was a blessed gift to be able to experience. To see my family one last time, as a whole.

"I love you," I whispered and lifted my free hand to reach out to them. "I'll be strong. I'll follow the light. I'll walk the path I'm destined to take with confidence. Can you watch over me?"

The three of them nodded with bright smiles and their voices carried over to me as the world around us began to grow brighter with floods of light.

"We love you," Mother whispered.

"We'll always love you," Flynn assured me.

"And we'll return when it's time to bring you home," Father declared. "It'll be a long time from now. Until then, my dear son, continue our legacy and make it your own."

With one final flash, I was swallowed in light - the sound of my name being called bringing me up to the surface of the present.


I opened my eyes to see Kaito was looking down at me. His purple orbs projected his worry, but they swarmed with relief as I blinked a few times to get a better view of him.

Scanning around, I realized I was still in the hospital bed, and with the dimmed light of the room, it looked to be night time. The window was open, a soft breeze entering and floating through the air until a tingling whisper reached my ears.

"Kaito," I whispered and slowly sat up.

"Are you okay? You were muttering random stuff and seemed to be distraught," Kaito explained.

My dream, though saddening with my final goodbye, wasn't enough to make me feel distraught, but must have been my unconscious mind’s response to it all.

"I'm okay...but..." I trailed off and looked to the window.

The flowing breeze was indeed calling to me, and I knew where I had to go.

"I have to go somewhere real quick."

"Where?" Kaito questioned. I looked at him, my eyes locking on his as we shared a long look. He seemed to understand what I was struggling to say as he offered his hand to me.

"Don't tell me where, but you're not going alone."

Kaito was definitely growing, his actions lifting the worry of hurting him with my secrecy, but I couldn't let the flow of my words carry into the air. I had to accomplish the deed before revealing what my duty was.

I placed my hand in his, squeezing it softly. I knew where we had to go, and the thought sent us right there as the wind picked up and wrapped around us like a whirlwind.

Within seconds, we were at the

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