Witchling Academy - Avery Song Page 0,12


"Uh..." Jax began. "Should we like...I don't know…intervene?"

"They're in a pretty heated argument though," Connor reasoned. "I wanna see if Brianne wins."

"Of course Red will win!" Finnick defended until Fuwa looked over to him.

"Shut up!" he snapped.

"Yes, sir," Finnick squeaked, and Kaito sighed then said, "At least try to look like you're not frightened by him."

"Fuwashi," Professor Phoenix announced, and he paused mid-argument to look over his shoulder. "Oh."

We all looked between the two before Fuwa was off the bed and standing next to Professor Phoenix.

"Aurora!" He beamed happily, like a little boy who'd just won candy. We all stared at him while Professor Phoenix grinned and reached out to pat his head, even though we could now see he was even taller than her.

"Hello, Fuwa. Long time. How's your mother?"

"She's good!" Fuwa replied. "Always worrying about Starlight, Scarlet, and Brianne, but at least I'm around to look after Brianne so she worries less. You've been busy, haven't you?"

"I have. Lots of revelations we're dealing with."

"Why you would decide to be a professor over a god is beyond me," Fuwa commented.

"Just like how you decided to come down as a familiar to help your sister," she pointed out.

"I guess you have a point," he admitted with a nod before he slid his sword back into its sheath. "Can I kill the pink-haired dude?"

"No." Professor Phoenix quietly giggled. "He is dating your sister after all and he's one of my students. That would be a little too hard to explain to the heads."

"Hmph. He's weak. Just like that one." He pointed over at a stunned Kaito. "You're weak!"

"H-Hey! Don't insult my boyfriend!" Finnick argued.

"You just said you were dating my sister?!"

"I am!" Finnick argued. "And Kaito! And wait a fucking minute!"

"SISTER?!" everyone but Professor Phoenix declared while I suddenly realized we'd been arguing as if we had the same mother and siblings.

My four boyfriends looked back and forth between Fuwa and me.

"Holy shit," Finnick gasped. "They look alike! Minus the pink hair."

"But that's not possible," Jax declared.

"Yet their...related?" Kaito questioned as his eyes continued to look between us.

"Hey, Fuwa. Explain," Connor encouraged. "And don't kill Finnick. You'll make Brianne cry."

I rolled my eyes but focused on Fuwa. "Why did it feel so natural to fight with you just now and how are you in that...um...adult form?"

"Explaining is so complicated," he whined.

"If we all tag team together, do you think we could take him down?" Finnick whispered to Connor, who smirked and replied, "He can hear you."

"And he'd kick our asses," Kaito pointed out.

"I didn't volunteer to be ass kicked," Jax declared. "But if you're Bri's brother, does that mean you've been her familiar this whole time or are you different?"

I thought about it and began to blush. "Don't tell me you've seen me naked before."

"I haven't!" he argued while his face grew tomato red. "I always look the other way when you change, and I made sure Princess Elsa didn't eat the pack of condoms you let her steal when you two," he paused to point at Connor and I, "got all lovey-dovey in the sheets last time."

Everyone looked at us as my whole face burned red.

Then he was drenched in water.

"AH! Cold!!!" he exclaimed.

"Serves you right," I muttered and crossed my arms. “Outing my business like that."

"I'm sorry," he whined. "Eww. Now I'm drenched."

"You make it seem like you're a cat," Finnick huffed.

"Yukatas are pretty heavy when drenched," Kaito defended. "It's like carrying weights."

"His fault for acting out," Connor concluded.

"I feel like we're never going to get to the main point here," Jax pointed out.


We lowered our gaze to see Elsa hop up on the bed before running over to greet me. She rubbed her head against my hand, purring quietly, before she licked it and ran all the way to the end of the bed and sat down to look at Fuwa.


"Yes, I'm drenched."


"Brianne punished me for being mean to the pink-haired boy."

"I'm Finnick."

"I don't care," Fuwa huffed.


"No, I didn't tell her that we're god siblings. We were getting to that."

"Mewwwwww." She rolled over and kicked her legs up in the sky.

"I'm not giving you a belly rub until I'm dry."

"MewMew!" She rolled back and stretched in a cute kitty downward dog position before she blew a stream of air that seemed to become a whirlwind in seconds. With a few blinks, Fuwa was completely dry though his hair was a complete mess. He blew a few strands out of his face, probably thankful that the majority of his

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