Witchling Academy - Avery Song Page 0,111

later that night and he had the intention of coming by and approaching Kaito while I was present so he'd be more relaxed. They were making their way back to the school when Fuwa appeared and explained about the pills and mysterious substitute.

One thing led to another and apparently I was trapped in a dark orb, but it seemed as though the darkness that encapsulated me had protected me.

Jaxsin had made an appearance and gotten me out. It all sounded rather odd to me, but the others all agreed that it was what had happened.

I'd been out for a day or two, going in and out of consciousness because I was so tired. It was an after effect I was supposed to be happy for because most individuals who were absorbed by the darkness for as long as I had been would either be dead or become a shadow.

The only thing I could think of was that Marianna had something to do with it. Elsa had arrived at some point to protect me, but my memory was a bit fuzzy when I tried to remember more details about the incident.

Aside from my exhaustion, my zooming at the speed of a lightning bolt power was back and it was now obvious it wasn't the sword but one of my demigod gifts. It was another 'why is this showing up' question that was added to the growing list of intriguing conspiracies.

With strict doctor's orders, I was now on a month-long break instilled by...well...me, the person who created the new policy and implemented it this year with the council's approval.

I didn't think it would come to bite me in the ass so soon.

With me out of commission, Connor was temporary vice president and was helping Jax as they balanced school, the new policies that continued to be reviewed and implemented, the temporary curfew created after the whole incident, and the new policies regarding drug control.

Ricardo's plans not only hit Witchling Academy, but also other schools across the board, and students were really getting hit by it. We were considered lucky to catch it "earlier' than other schools who had had the same substitute teacher that had been distributing the drug for months. The drug had become the leading cause of death in witches under twenty-five within a three-month period.

If the school semester wasn’t almost over, I was sure they would have closed the school and taken things online. At this point, however, that would be counterproductive.

Instead, the school was closed for a week to complete a full-on investigation and gather evidence and video footage of the incident. With new policies, any future substitute teachers or medical providers in medicine and magic assessment would have to be approved by the assigned school and have fingerprints and their magic levels scanned prior to the start of their day.

This would make it so that if a crime like what had just occurred happened again, they would have the fingerprints as well as a magic print of their energy levels, which would make it far easier for Witchling Star agents to track them down.

That shift in discussion reminded me of Elisha and the truth we'd talked about with her potential twin. All of us were a bit skeptical about the idea, but Starlight had arrived and revealed that Elisha could be right.

She'd been investigating for a while with Katsume and even Sebastian’s assistance, but it was almost impossible to find anything on Elijah and Elisha. It was as though their documents were specifically kept in an unknown place. Without the cooperation of Elisha's father and Elijah's mother, who had none of the documents due to her husband burning them, it was difficult to prove if the birth certificates had two names or one.

But there was a clue.

Starlight had found a photocopy of Elisha's birth certificate buried in one of the files at school, but the intriguing hint was the way it was photocopied. There was a part of the printed lines that showed the birth names of both children - a document only given to twins - but the line length for the given name was cut off halfway.

Meaning, someone covered that part so it wouldn't show on the scanned copy.

It was a risky assumption to make with that as our only bit of evidence, but it wasn't something Starlight was going to ignore.

Listening to Elisha's explanation, both my sister and Professor Phoenix agreed that they believed what she had to say. For now, she was under

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