Witching Hour (Blood Magic #3) - L.H. Cosway Page 0,94

her magic to freeze us, too? Or would she somehow remember I was one of her closest friends and let me go? Right now, I didn’t dare to test out the theory. Besides, as Ethan said, we were penned in on all sides by vampires, so we wouldn’t get very far even if we did try to run again.

This was it. I glanced at Whitfield and Theodore, who were deep in conversation on the other side of the roof. Theodore had his hand on Whitfield’s shoulder, a gesture that could be interpreted as either new-found friendship or dominance. In my gut, I was going with dominance.

Theodore might seem like he was interested in teaming up with Whitfield, but let’s face it, he was only doing it so that he could add to his strength. Moments ago, he was all set on killing the vampire governor to get him out of the way. And to be honest, I didn’t get why he didn’t just kill him. Having the vampire population at his beck and call aside, Whitfield was clearly only biding his time by offering this deal. The moment he spotted a weakness in Theodore I had no doubt he’d dive right in for the kill himself.

Ugh, why did I even bother to theorise about all of this? My time should be spent worrying for Ethan and my own life, because let’s face it, we were the weakest of the three opposing teams on this roof. After using so much of my magic tonight, I felt drained. I wished I could somehow fill it back up, but something told me it would take time to restore itself. Sort of like when you lost blood, and it took a while for your body to recuperate.

I thought of my blood and all the power it could give to a vampire if ingested, or a witch if used in a spell. If only I knew more about spells, then maybe I could cut myself right here and cast one to get us out of this mess. The problem was, Rita had only ever gotten around to teaching me the basics. I didn’t know any spells powerful enough to help me in this situation.

Frustration consumed me as my attention returned to Whitfield and Theodore, who now had both their heads drawn close, most likely throwing together some dastardly plan or other. I practically shook with fear as I saw my death coming for me. Whitfield was right when he said it was in the air because I was as good as dead now.

Noticing my shaking, Ethan took my hand into his to calm me. I looked up into his beautiful eyes as he gazed down at me, his expression full of affection and grief. He knew it, too, knew that the two of us were done for.

Closing my eyes to stop from crying, I leaned into him and rested my head on his chest, feeling his heart drum a rhythm so different to my own. I thought of Ethan’s physical prowess and how powerful he always seemed to me. I guessed no matter how strong you were, there was always someone out there who was stronger.

As I was thinking this, the most miraculous thing happened. The All-Knowing Tome opened in my head again.

The pages flicked more slowly this time, before landing on a page titled, “The History of the True Power Bloodline”. It contained all the known facts about what my blood could do. I wasn’t sure why it was showing me this page because I knew everything that was written there already.

I knew that my blood could transform a vampire into something new and unbreakable. I saw it with my own eyes when Eliza drank from me right before I staked her. I almost got annoyed at the book for showing me this page because it was like it was rubbing my weakness to vampires in my face. But then I realised that wasn’t what it was doing at all. It was trying to remind me. Remind me that my blood could make vampires immortal, could transform them into an indestructible being, something with a strength that has never before been matched.

I pulled my face from Ethan’s chest and looked up at him again, everything falling into place. We could get out of this. Theodore and Whitfield may have joined forces, but would their combined strength be enough to rival that of Ethan when transformed?

Preventing myself from hashing over the idea for a second

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