Witching For Clarity (Premonition Pointe #4) - Deanna Chase Page 0,15

she watched them. She couldn’t remember a single moment in her marriage when she and James had been even half as in love as her two friends were. Their joy just radiated off them, and while she loved seeing it, she also couldn’t help but feel just a little sorry for herself.

All those years she’d wasted on James, who’d turned out to be not just a disappointment but an abuser on top of everything else. He’d only raised his hand to her that one time, but the emotional abuse had been there almost from the beginning; she just hadn’t recognized it for what it was. And that, more than anything, pissed her off. He’d been so charming that she’d overlooked far too much. Now that she was free, it made her almost sick to her stomach to remember how much garbage she’d put up with over the years before she’d finally walked away. Gigi had filed a police report about the attack, but he’d skipped town and she hadn’t heard from him since. As far as she was concerned, that was good enough for her. If she never heard from him again, it would be too soon.

“The party can start now!” Hope called as she waltzed into the kitchen carrying a case of champagne. “Who’s ready for some bubbly?”

“I am.” Skyler’s hand shot in the air.

Pete shrugged one shoulder and said, “Sure.”

“Excellent.” Hope place the box on the counter, smoothed her fitted suit jacket, and glanced around. “Where are the champagne flutes?”

“In the dining room,” Gigi said. “On the table where you put them earlier.” Hope had planned the party and had taken care of most of the details earlier that day.

“Right,” she chuckled. “Forties brain. That’s what I’ve been calling it when I have a mental lapse. It’s better than imagining I’m getting early onset dementia.” Glancing at Skyler she said, “Can you stuff these in the refrigerator? I’m gonna go fill those glasses.”

“On it.” Skyler got busy with his task while Gigi grabbed the charcuterie tray and followed Hope into the adjoining room. She’d just finished setting the rest of the food on the table when the doorbell rang.

They both glanced up and stared at the door across the room.

Hope raised an eyebrow. “It has to be Sebastian. Everyone else would’ve just walked right in, don’t you think?”

Nerves made Gigi’s throat tighten, making it impossible to answer Hope. Instead, she just nodded and forced herself to cross the room. She’d never been nervous about seeing Sebastian before, but now that she was certain he was hiding information from her, she was both angry and full of trepidation. If he really was withholding something he knew about her mother’s disappearance, there was definitely a reason, and likely one that was going to gut her.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and did a double take when she spotted Autumn, the woman from the estate sale who also happened to be Skyler’s newest employee. “Uh, Autumn. Hi,” Gigi stammered, feeling like an idiot. Why couldn’t she seem to keep her composure that evening?

Autumn peered past Gigi, looking nervous. “Am I early? I thought Skyler told me to be here at seven?”

“No! You’re not early,” Skyler called as he hurried over to them. “You’re right on time actually.” He gently nudged Gigi to the side and then pulled Autumn into the house. “I’m so glad you could make it.” He turned to Gigi. “You remember Autumn, right? I told her she should stop by so she can meet Pete and get to know some people in town since she’s relatively new around here.”

Gigi didn’t miss the slightly apologetic look he sent her for inviting someone she didn’t really know to her fake party. But she had someone else she needed to focus on, and worrying about Autumn wasn’t on her radar. “Of course I remember Autumn. Go introduce her to Pete and grab her a glass of champagne while I—”

“Hey, Gigi,” Lucas, Hope’s fiancé, said as he walked in. He wrapped her in a quick hug and gave her a kiss on her cheek. “Thanks for the invite. Hope’s been talking about this party nonstop for three days. You’d think she hadn’t seen her girls in weeks,” he added with a chuckle.

“You know how excited we get,” Gigi said with a nervous chuckle of her own.

He raised one eyebrow as if he knew they were up to some sort of shenanigans. Of course he did. Hope would’ve told him.

Gigi waved

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