The Witch Stone - Emily Oakes Page 0,39

like you need to survive. Without so-called witches, the earth would be a far worse place.” Ronan drifted toward the door. “There’s something else, too. All of the souls of the witches who were killed are being tormented by a dark force. I’m trying very hard to find out what or who it is.”

“Something has their souls?”

“Yes. It has them, along with every other witch who died by other means in the forest, trapped.”

“So, it has my soul…” Rowena felt lightheaded.

Ronan looked her in the eyes. “Not yet. We can put a stop to it.”

Chapter Eight

Oakwoods Now

Brenna woke with a throbbing headache. She placed the back of her hand on her head and brought it back down covered in sweat. The dream she just experienced played over in her mind as though she were watching a movie. She shook her head, suddenly remembering Maggie.

The only light in the small room was coming from the partly opened door. In the dim light, she could see she was in Jeff’s office, on his rather uncomfortable couch. She swung her feet over the edge and onto the floor. The door opened further, slowly casting more light into the gloomy room. Brenna looked up and saw Jeff standing there with a look of concern. “Are you alright, dear?”

“I’m okay, I just feel really groggy. What happened? Did I faint or something?” Brenna was confused. The last thing she remembered was driving back to the hotel.

“You were hysterically mumbling about Maggie being taken by an entity then you just fainted. I managed to catch you before you smacked your head on anything.”

“Thank you.” Brenna massaged her temples. “I wasn’t making that stuff about Maggie up you know. She was possessed by that thing.”

“Where is she now?”

“I don’t know.” Brenna leaned against the wall feeling like her head might float off her neck. “I had to leave, I needed to get help, it was getting too dangerous.”

“Are you going to leave her there?”

“Hell no, I’m going back. I just need to do some research first.” Brenna started for the door but Jeff grabbed her arm.

“Let me get you some aspirin.” Jeff furrowed his brow. “Maybe you should see a doctor. I can take you to Doc Jensen’s house.”

“No, thank you, I’m okay. I wouldn’t mind that aspirin though.”

Jeff took off the track down the aspirin, leaving her alone. She paced the room thinking about Maggie. She peered out the dark window. Maggie must be terrified, wherever she was. Pangs of guilt hit Brenna hard. If only she hadn’t lost sight of her. Why did she go so far ahead? Stupid.

Jeff came back holding a glass of water and a packet of pills. “Thanks, Jeff.” She popped two of the pills and sculled the whole glass of water. Then she stormed toward the door, intent on finding out as much as she can about what awaits her in the woods.

Jeff walked with her. “Maybe you should take it easy tonight. Get some sleep and worry about everything in the morning.”

“I can’t rest. Maggie is out there trapped by that thing and scared out of her wits! Who knows what’s happening to her?” Brenna’s voice broke as tears streamed down her face. Jeff placed an assuring hand on her left shoulder and looked her in the eyes.

“Get some rest tonight, and I’ll help you first thing in the morning,” he promised, placing an arm around her shoulders and leading her to the door. Before they got there, the door swung open and banged against the wall. “What the hell?” Brenna shielded her face against the wind, which had come from nowhere. She and Jeff waded outside, against the wind. Trash skipped along the concrete path and leaves cascaded through the air. Brenna’s long hair whipped at their faces as they rushed along the path and up the creaky staircase. Unlocking the door was hard as the wind howled at Brenna’s ears sending shivers down her spine. She finally unlocked the door and rushed inside with Jeff following closely behind her. They both had to push on the door to close it, against the strength of the wind.

“Phew! What on earth?” Jeff rubbed his brow with the back of his hand. Brenna nodded and noticed Maggie’s bags sitting neatly by the bed. Jeff walked over to the television set and leaned behind the pay per view box. A red light popped up lighting up a sign reading unlimited. Brenna raised her eyebrows.

“How did you do that?”

“Manager’s secret.” Jeff winked Copyright 2016 - 2024