Witch - By Fiona Horne Page 0,25

for a few days, I finally decided to go for it. I stared at the back of Matt’s head, willing him to turn around and look at me – not that I had any idea what I’d do next.

I stared and stared, but nothing happened. I had to up the stakes. Then I remembered the amethyst in my backpack that Brenda had given me. I felt a bit guilty as I removed the lustrous purple stone from its black velvet pouch. Brenda had made a point of telling me not to use it for frivolous means. In fact, I was only supposed to use it alone at home for a week, until I saw Brenda again for my next lesson.

I held the stone in my left hand and concentrated on the back of Matt’s head again.

Matt, turn around and look at me, I commanded silently.

The amethyst in my hand started to feel really hot, but still Matt didn’t move.

Maybe the magic (if that’s what it really was) that had changed the feather had come from Bryce and not me. I was kind of disappointed, but then again perhaps it was better if I didn’t mess with this stuff too much on my own anyway. A vision of Bryce filled my head instead, his eyes so clear and green it was like I was looking at him in real life.

Then I snapped out of it and realised I wasn’t looking into Bryce’s eyes – I was looking into Matt’s.

Matt’s eyes were a deep blue, and I felt myself being sucked into them. The moment seemed to stretch on forever, until he made a sound like he was clearing his throat . . . and spat in my face!

I slowly reached up to my cheek, wiping the spit away, my eyes still locked with his. I started to feel the black, boiling fury deep in the pit of my stomach and I knew I had to control it before something really bad happened, because right now I wanted to hurt Matt Rock.

The bus came to a stop and I grabbed my bag and made for the door.

‘Freak,’ Matt called after me.

I watched the bus pull away. I knew who the freak was, and it wasn’t me. What a loser. Clearly looks only went so far. I wiped my hand on the grass to get rid of the spit. Matt Rock was a creep who deserved to be punished.

I started to plot my revenge.

As soon as I got home I called Dean.

‘Dean, what are you doing?’

‘Just messing with the computer,’ he said, sounding preoccupied. I could hear the sounds of World of Warcraft in the background. That was another thing I’d learned about Dean: he was a total video-game nerd.

‘Good. After you kill your next demon, do me a favour and google infatuation spells. I need something that will make a person worship the ground I walk on.’ I giggled a little but was deadly serious.

‘Are you sure? Brenda told us not to get spells from the internet until you know how to cast them properly.’

‘She’s changed her mind,’ I said. I felt bad lying to Dean, but I really wanted to get back at Matt and this was definitely the best way to do it.

‘Why do you need an infatuation spell anyway?’ Dean asked.

‘Because Matt Rock spat on me,’ I answered.

‘No way! Why?’ Dean said, his voice full of horror.

‘He’s just an arse and I’m going to get him back,’ I said angrily.

‘Got it. But why do you want to do a love spell on him then?’

‘Because he should know how it feels to be embarrassed in front of everyone. Trust me. I know what I’m doing,’ I said decisively.

There was a pause.

‘Um . . . okay . . . I’ll see what I can do,’ he said at last.

The next day at school Dean slipped me a piece of paper.

‘If this backfires don’t blame me,’ he said.

I read what he’d printed out.


Procure thus:

A lock of hair from the head of your love –

their thoughts be only of you

A handful of soil from the print of their foot –

they shall follow only you

Place these treasures in a bag with blood

drawn from your palm

And you shall hold their heart in your hand


‘Yikes. I have to draw blood?’ I’d had enough of people’s body fluids.

‘I spent two hours researching this, Vania, and from what I can tell that spell is the most powerful.’

‘Sorry, Dean. I really appreciate you going

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