Witch In Charge - Celia Kyle Page 0,60

stroke the ancient leather cover. He was zapped before his fingers could get anywhere near it. As he leapt back with a yelp, the house rumbled again in warning.

“It’s the Holloway family grimoire,” he said, excitement lighting his eyes. “I'd bet my life on it. It’s been lost since your parents died. Kelly, it came to you!”

Kelly was so moved she thought she might cry, but she knew that the moment meant far more than the house simply choosing her to wield the grimoire. This moment was for Ronun.

Kelly’s eyes teared up. “It was a Holloway witch, wasn’t it? That’s why the house is showing us this now. Because it wants us to help Ronun.”

“I can’t guess at the motivations of a house,” Owyn said. “No one can. But yes, that makes sense.”

“How can we know for sure?” she asked, still processing this new piece of information.

“There's only one way,” Owyn said, pointing at a small table for her to rest the heavy book on.

“Should I just stay here?” Ronun asked uncertainly. Both Kelly and Owyn assured him, yes. Stay put.

Owyn looked over Kelly’s shoulder while she flipped through the grimoire. About halfway through, they found it.

“Only by my holy blood shall this curse be broken,” Owyn read. “To free all souls bound by my word, my line must forgive his. If a Holloway witch forgives any man of the same blood as Prince Erodicus, the spell of true stone shall be broken.”

Owyn broke into a true smile, even though Kelly was as confused as ever.

“We don’t even need your Instant Pot for this one, Kelly. No potions or incantations needed. Just your forgiveness.”

She looked between him and Ronun, at a loss. “But I do forgive him, Owyn. Look at me right now—I’m practically overflowing with forgiveness.”

He smiled gently. “I understand. But this is a very powerful curse. Your ancestor would have been at full maturity when she cast it and it has lasted for generations with no sign of weakening. With every generation, it could have become stronger. You’re the only one who can do it, Kelly. I just fear that it is beyond your power.”

“No pressure,” she said with a huff, though even as she said it, she felt as if she was being taken over by steel. A strength she had never known washed over her. She would do anything for Ronun, even if it risked herself. “I can do it, Owyn. Just tell me how.”

Owyn nodded, quickly moving around the circle to refresh the sigils and add crystals to bind the power. When he returned, he murmured in her ear. Could it possibly be so easy? Kelly straightened her back and threw her magic into the circle.

“I, Kelly Holloway, forgive you, Ronun Fluevog, descendant of Prince Erodicus!”

There was a bang and a cloud of smoke. Kelly leaned forward eagerly and, when she saw what she'd done, held back a scream.

Ronun was staggering in the circle, his stone gargoyle head dragging down his human body. She cried out his name and almost ran to him.

“No, Kelly!” Owyn snapped. “Don’t break the circle. It’s begun now. Try again, but focus this time. You can do this.”

Kelly closed her eyes, steadying herself with a breath. She focused on her heartbeat and felt the magic flowing through her. Behind her closed eyes, she could see systems of magic flowing all around her. When she focused on Ronun's energy, he was a red glow inside a massive fortress of white and grey light.

She attacked the walls, throwing her love and forgiveness into them. She knew it was having about as much effect as trying to fell a tree with drops of water, but she pushed on. She sensed Owyn’s magic coming up behind her, supporting her. With a whisper of Thank you, she borrowed from his deep well of power—careful not to take too much—and used it to attack the fortress.

A few stones managed to fall, but that wasn't enough. The pace was too slow and drained too much of her energy. She wouldn’t be able to keep it up much longer, even with Owyn's infusion of power. If she failed, she knew instinctively the wall would rebuild itself even stronger than before and breaking it would be twice as hard as it was now.

Please. She begged. I love him. Please!

A tendril of green appeared in her otherworldly vision. It was thin, but strong, and it glowed against the other magics with an intensity she had never seen. She reached for

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