Witch In Charge - Celia Kyle Page 0,54

the front of his jacket. They were going to have to start their respective jobs soon, but these little hallway clutches had become the highlight of her days. Or rather, nights.

There was something satisfyingly clandestine about it, wrapping each other up in the darkened, after-hours hallways of Othercross Judiciary. She was starting to think that having the place to themselves was actually one of the perks of the job. In fact, if she had her druthers, one of these nights she was going to find some dark corner so they could start christening the building.

It was the perfect capstone to their walk to work each evening. Kelly was even willing to endanger her ‘wild child’ reputation by holding his hand for the stroll. Oh, yeah. This was big shit for her.

Thanks to Ronun’s influence, her skidding in late was becoming less of a concern. If Kelly was always fifteen minutes late, then Ronun was twenty minutes early. Their quirks were starting to balance each other out. Well, maybe it was just his influence over her, but still…

His reluctance to release her set off that little golden dance in her stomach. She was cautious about believing it too much, but she was starting to think he might like her as much as she liked him. But just how much was that, really? Kelly was in very great danger of admitting it to herself.

“Okay,” Ronun said as the clock in the university tower began to strike. “We can’t try your luck.”

Stretching up on her toes, Kelly only intended to steal a quick kiss, but couldn’t resist leaning into it. He had that power over her.

Besides, he gave every bit as good as he got. Better than he got.

“I’ll see you later,” Kelly whispered as their lips parted. Then, she managed to duck through the door just before the last bell sounded the hour.

“Precisely on time,” Owyn said, peering over the top of his spectacles as she walked into the office. “If you’re not careful, this might turn into a habit, Miss Holloway.”

“I’m trying.” Her voice was chipper, and she was still sailing from her stolen moments with Ronun.

“I suppose I should be flattered,” the old man said. “Even if I am… What was the expression? An old buzzard?”

Kelly froze. She turned wide eyes on him, waiting to see how much offense had been taken. She really needed to be more careful about how loud she was. Or maybe he just had particularly keen hearing for a man his age. Either way, she needed to stop shit-talking people who might be within earshot.

Maybe it would be better to stop shit-talking altogether.

Owyn's face was unreadable as ever, but the fact that he didn’t pursue it hinted that he may have been making a joke. Kelly flattered herself to think that the stoic curse breaker might actually be warming up to her.

Which was kinda cool, because she was definitely warming up to him. Or at least to the work she was doing under his tutelage. Unlike any of the other jobs she'd had, she was in danger of falling in love with this one. Which was an unusual feeling for someone who wore her disdain for work like a badge of honor.

Making a pest out of herself in Cora’s office had been fun, but she’d liked it more for the social aspect and lax expectations than anything. Maybe it was just because of how things were turning out, but most of her memories of that job centered around decorating and tormenting a very particular gargoyle.

Working under Owyn Stahagan was something else altogether. She was really starting to dig the meticulous nature of the work. More than that, she was eager to learn more. Of course, that could be because of her new, vested interest.

“Mr. Stahagan?” she asked from her little roost on the corner of his desk.

“Hmm?” He didn’t even look up. Which was his way.

“What would it take to change my major to Curse Breaking? Like, what kind of credit shift would I be looking at?”

“I’m unfamiliar with the particulars of your transcripts, Miss Holloway.” Brusque, as usual. But once he finished whatever he was reading, Owyn looked up at her. “However, I have noticed a new kind of attention in your studies. Perhaps I can have a word with the powers that be.”

That little morsel of confidence sent a flush of pride into her chest. Kelly had never really paid much attention in her curse breaking classes before. To be honest, she’d never

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