Witch In Charge - Celia Kyle Page 0,50

wanted to protest that she could keep going all night—maybe even longer—but the hunger in him wouldn’t be denied. Before she could so much as move a muscle, he pulled her up from the waist and settled her on his lap, helping to wrap her legs around him, then pulled her forward, right onto his slick, hard cock.

The cry that burst from her was short and sharp. She grabbed his shoulders and rocked backward, stretching out her legs. As her body spread before him, Ronun let out a gasp and it sounded more like pain than pleasure.

“You’re perfect,” he breathed. “Every single inch of you is fucking perfect.”

The intensity of his gaze and the focus of his attention—not to mention the pressure of him fully seated inside her—brought Kelly to orgasm again. When his eyes left hers and looked down at where their bodies joined, she felt herself pulsing all over again, every spasm making her even wetter. She moaned, slightly frustrated as she rocked, trying to pleasure her pussy and clit at the same time.

His hands slid around her waist, fingers trailing up her spine. He pressed forward, making her lean toward him. When she looked down, his eyes were huge, flickering pools, picked out by the candlelight. When he kissed her, it felt like an electric current that flooded her body and sent every limb into a spasm. When he rocked his hips upward and pounded the deepest parts of her, she couldn’t hold in her moans of pleasure and they slipped free from their joined lips.

He let her go, watching her face as she leaned back. She smiled, a slow, dreamy smile. She had never known she could come like this or so many times. She was used to quick orgasms that exploded and left without any impact on her, like sneezes.

These were slow-building waves of pleasure that overcame her like the crashing tide. More like tidal waves, because it didn’t stop. Each one was stronger than the last, a never-ending ocean of pleasure that had been inside her all this time, yet she had never known it.

Ronun hoisted her, pushing her over onto the bed. She moved lazily onto her back and he turned her over, running his hands over her smooth skin, enjoying the curve of her hips, her slender waist. The way he focused on her entire body and not just the erogenous zones turned her on even more.

She hadn’t known the sensitivity of other parts of her body. His light, trailing touches did something to her, something soul-changing. It was as if she were a book and he was carefully reading each page instead of rushing to the end. When he pulled her up onto her knees, exposing her in a most vulnerable way, Kelly felt nothing but safe.

He ran his hand across her pussy, teasing her from behind. When his lips and tongue touched her, she bucked in place, moans getting caught in her throat. As his mouth went away, she rocked back, inviting him in.

He moaned as their bodies met, his pace incredibly slow as he watched her body devour him piece by piece. Kelly felt wild, her hands clenched in the bed sheets, her fingernails digging holes in them. From this position he was almost too big, but Kelly couldn’t get enough.

He really made her feel it, feel everything. Sex with Ronun was a whole-body experience and she was discovering it minute by minute, inch by inch. By the time he had slid all the way in, she was rocking and moaning, begging for more friction.

Just when she thought it couldn’t get any better, he slipped a hand around her hip and buried his thick fingers in her pussy, searching for her throbbing clit. When he found it, she came so hard that she shuddered in his arms, a creature of complete lust and desire, like fire caught in the hard stone of his hands and arms.

He kept one hand firmly between her legs, teasing her clit as he started to stroke in and out. The feeling of being held in place by his strong hands while he pounded her made screams tear through her throat as her orgasms flooded through her, multiples running into each other and leaving her a shivering mess.

She was so weak, when he moved his hand to grasp her hip, she almost collapsed. Her arms buckled and her head rested on the mattress, making her ass point up even higher. Ronun groaned, his cock hardening

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