Witch In Charge - Celia Kyle Page 0,26

the place.

The house loved it and had quickly gotten the birds nesting in the high ceilings, made warm, sleepy holes for the bunnies…and done away with every single method of killing insects available to mankind. It didn’t matter if they tried to use sprays or bug zappers, the house simply refused to abide it.

Meanwhile, Aurora’s magic was bringing the solarium garden back to life. After several dead pets had crawled out of the front lawn and demanded to be let in, everyone agreed Aurora had to focus better because this could not become an everyday occurrence. After something started moaning and scratching under the thick concrete basement floor, even Nathan told her she had to vent her excess energy somewhere else.

It was as if the house somehow boosted all of their powers. From what Louie had told her, Hollow House was enhanced just by her being there. It was almost as if she could feel its mind—its spirit—connecting them together and binding them as a circle.

Out on the porch, she almost stumbled over a big rock, then realized it was Ronun. Again. A lovely warm sensation bubbled in her chest.

She tried not to read too much into it, but she couldn’t help it. As she drove to meet Cora, all she could think about was Ronun and how he kept showing up exactly when she needed him. She tried to push the thoughts away and forget them, but it was impossible. Good thing she was having lunch with the one witch who knew more about gargoyles than any witch should.

Cora waved at her from an outside table at a mall restaurant. Kelly hugged her friend—no easy task with that big belly.

“Sorry I’m late,” Kelly said, panting from walking so fast to get there.

Cora grinned. “Oh, I didn't bother getting here on time. I know you well enough by now.”

“How is pregnant life going?”

“I’m taking mom moments all the time.” She sighed and patted her belly. “It’s been lovely, but now I can’t wait to get my little munchkin out of there!”

“Awesome. When are you coming back to work?”

“I’m not in a hurry,” Cora said with a laugh. “Why, is everything going okay?”

Kelly moaned and settled in. “Owyn is just such a damn pain. We don’t do anything fun. I have to keep my eyes and voice down, follow instructions, organize the inventory. He's making me learn stuff, and I haven't seen him break a single curse. I wouldn't be surprise if he didn't even know how.”

“Oh, he does, Kelly.” Cora said, taking a sip of her herbal tea. “He must be testing you. Or teaching you. You say you’re doing the inventory? What items?”

“Some of it’s really boring, like jars of newt eyes and dead wasps and stuff. Others are cool, like perfectly preserved flowers and ancient objects. He’s got some cursed vases that are really fun. Just by putting the right flower in them you can change the atmosphere of an entire house. Apparently, one was used to ruin a cousin’s wedding or something.”

“I know the very ones. If given as a gift, they can play havoc with new couples. Doing anything else?”

“Nope. Except filing. Lots of filing. Lots of talking. Not that I’m allowed to talk much.”

“He will get you into the harder stuff, I promise. He’s just seeing how well you can take instruction. He has a lot of powerful items in his inventory and you should be grateful to him.”

“I am, I guess.” Kelly sighed. “I’m just bored.”

“When aren’t you?” Cora laughed and Kelly had to laugh too. The waitress swung by and Kelly ordered herself a coffee.

“So…” Kelly knew she should ask Cora about her pregnancy and her new life. It was just polite and besides, she was interested. As usual, though, her own thoughts stampeded to the fore and shoved everything else aside.

“You’ve got that look, Kelly.”

“What look?”

“The look like you’re about to explode with something. Out with it.”

“I can’t hold it in much longer, anyway.” She paused and took a bracing breath. “What’s the deal with Ronun?”

Cora sat straight up, her eyes wide as she looked at Kelly. The waitress stopped by with Kelly’s coffee and two gorgeous pieces of caramel mud cake. Both women kept their mouths shut until she disappeared.

“Kelly, why are you asking me this? Gargoyles are not to be trifled with. They are ancient and powerful creatures.”

“I don’t know much about them, so why don’t you fill me in?”

“Okay.” Cora took a small bite of cake and a sip

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