Winter Solstice in St. Nacho's (St. Nacho's #5) - Z.A. Maxfield Page 0,90

full of amber amnesia. “C’mon. To new beginnings.”

I nodded and matched him shot for shot through the rest of our meal. That night we staggered home, and I fell into a fitful sleep. I dreamed Thuong never stopped running, and no matter how fast I went, I never caught up.

The next time I ran into Thuong was at St. Nacho’s Alano Club. After that, when I had pizza delivered, who should be my delivery guy but Thuong?

Unlike when he’d delivered food to the SeaView motel, he acted as though he didn’t know me. Because that was the third time he’d seen me and simply pretended we were strangers, I guessed that was his plan going forward, and I went along.

I had to him run things between us the way he saw fit, so I didn’t push it. I took my pizza, thanked him politely, and let him leave. I may have watched him leave, just to see if he was using the scooter yet, but he pedaled away on the same bike as before.

I got my answer about the scooter the next time I visited Minerva at Rune Nation.

“Hi, Luke.” Muse waved happily from behind the register. “Thuong told me you said I could use the scooter until he has a license.”

“Of course. Are you having fun with it? I saw it parked outside.”

“I love it. Thanks so much. No parallel parking.” She straightened a stack of flyers asking for volunteers for Winter Solstice in St. Nacho’s, the library fundraiser Minerva had mentioned.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Can I have one of those?” She gave me a flyer, and I put it in my bag. “You think Thuong will be getting his license soon?”

“Driving a scooter’s not rocket science. Thuong only needs to prove he knows the laws for an M1 license and pass a skills test. He’s working on it.”

“That’s good.” I glanced around. “Is Minerva here?”

“What time is it?” She looked at me expectantly. “Minerva doesn’t allow cell phones or clocks in the store.”

“How do you know when it’s time to open and close?”

“There’s a clock on the bank.”

I glanced out the window and sure enough, an old-fashioned clock was visible from the store. How very Back to the Future.

“It’s almost noon. Should I put my phone in my car?”

“Our clients can have phones on the salesfloor, silly. She won’t allow them in the reading room, though.” Muse’s dimple-and-piercing-studded grin charmed me. “Minerva will be out in a few minutes if you want to wait.”

“Sure. What’s your favorite thing here? Show me your wares.”

“My wares?” She laughed. “I like the Tarot cards best. Some are like little paintings. Here. Look.”

I followed Muse around the store and ended up buying an incense burner. Minerva emerged from the back at noon, and Thuong came out behind her. He appeared deep in thought.

“Why hello, Luke.” Minerva greeted me warmly. “What brings you in today?”

Thuong lifted his chin with all the joy of a man facing a firing squad. Our gazes met and locked for way too long. My heart contracted at the way he shuttered his expression and glanced away. Didn’t he want to talk to me anymore at all? Didn’t he want to try fixing these awkward exchanges? I just couldn’t tell anymore.

“’Scuse me,” he said. “I have to jet. I’ll see you later, Minerva.”

“Thuong, wait.” Despite my desire to play by his rules, I’d had enough of this running away stuff. I dashed outside after him and called, “Wait!”

He turned to face me and snapped, “What?”

“Wow. Look.” I took a calming breath. “You know what? You don’t get to do that anymore.”

He lifted a haughty brow. “Excuse me?”

“You don’t get to act like I’m here to ruin your life every time we see each other. That’s not helping.”

“I told you I wasn’t ready for a relationship. I told you I needed time. And what did you do? You fucking moved here, and now every time I turn around, you’re right fucking there, and I can’t even with you.”

“Shush.” He snapped his mouth shut. I don’t use my library superpowers often, but when I do, people had better fucking clam up. “I’m not here to pressure you or spy on you or anything like that.”

“But I feel pressured. I feel like you’re watching everything I do. Like you’re just waiting for me to fuck up.”

“Goddamnit, Thuong.” I sighed. “Why can’t you believe I’m waiting to see you succeed magnificently? Why can’t you imagine I’m here to cheer on your every Copyright 2016 - 2024