Winter (The Lunar Chronicles #4) - Marissa Meyer Page 0,106

man was fiddling with one of the lights.

Though Levana’s mouth was smiling, her eyes were vicious.

Something had happened.

Kai planted his feet and shoved his hands into his pockets, hoping to come across as composed but formidable. “Hello, my sweet,” he drawled, recalling the sycophantic endearments she’d mentioned in the ports.

Levana gave him a withering look, which spoke volumes. If she wasn’t willing to fake amusement, then something had gone horribly wrong.

Which he hoped meant something had gone horribly right.

“I was promised that I would be treated as a diplomatic guest,” he said. “I wish to hold counsel with Konn Torin and the rest of the Earthen delegates and to be allowed access to roam the palace and city. We are not your prisoners.”

“Unfortunately, I am not taking demands today.” Levana’s long nails dug into the back of her false throne. “You are, however, going to help me with a little project. Are we ready?”

The man was holding up pieces of paper in varying tones of white. “One more moment, My Queen.”

Kai raised an eyebrow. “I’m not helping you with anything until you grant my requests and answer my questions.”

“My dear groom-to-be, you gave up your rights to diplomatic courtesy when you brought those criminals into my home. Sit down.”

Kai experienced a heartbeat’s worth of defiance before his legs moved of their own accord and he collapsed into one of the thrones. He glared at the queen.

“I’m told,” he pressed, “that you took an Earthen prisoner during a time of cease-fire. A citizen of the European Federation by the name of Scarlet Benoit. I demand to know if there is any truth to these rumors and where the girl is now.”

Levana started to laugh. “I assure you there is no Earthen prisoner by that name here.”

Her laughter set Kai’s teeth on edge and her statement did nothing to convince him. Was Levana implying that Scarlet was dead? Or no longer in the palace? Or no longer in Artemisia at all?

Levana grabbed a veil from a mannequin’s head and draped it over herself. Aimery stepped forward and settled the queen’s crown on her head. When Levana turned back, her glamour was no longer visible. Having grown accustomed to her beautiful face, Kai had forgotten how this blank veil had filled him with horror for so long.

“What are we doing here?” Kai asked.

“Filming a little video,” came Levana’s voice. “There has been some confusion in the outer sectors of late, and I thought it pertinent to remind the people of their true loyalties, and all the great things you and I are going to accomplish once we are husband and wife.”

He studied her, but could see little beneath the veil.

She was telling him so little, but she was telling him enough. Cinder’s video had played. Levana was on the defensive. It had to be.

“What do you expect me to say?”

Levana clicked her teeth and took the throne beside him. “Nothing at all, darling. I will do the talking for you.”

Dismay kicked behind his sternum. He tried to jolt to his feet, but his legs had become stone. He wrapped his hands around the chair’s arms, digging his nails into the polished wood. “I don’t think—”

His tongue halted.

The technician counted down on his fingers and a light glowed on the cameras before him.

Kai’s body relaxed. His hands released the chair’s arms and settled in his lap. His posture was poised but natural, his gaze soft. He was smiling as he looked into the camera’s lens.

On the inside, however, he was furious. He was screaming and threatening Levana with every law regarding intergalactic policies he could think of. None of it mattered. His tirade was apparent to no one but himself.

“My good people,” said Levana, “it has come to my attention that you have been accosted by an impostor claiming to be our beloved Princess Selene, who was tragically lost to us thirteen years ago. It has distressed me greatly that this girl, whose real name is Linh Cinder and who is a wanted criminal both on Luna and on Earth, has dared to take advantage of this painful episode in our history, particularly when we are still in mourning over the death of my stepdaughter. It breaks my heart to inform you that this girl’s claims are nothing but lies meant to confuse you and manipulate you into joining her even when your good sense, when not so manipulated, would refuse to participate.”

She gestured to Kai. “I wish to introduce you all to my Copyright 2016 - 2024