Winter Love - Kennedy Fox Page 0,92

breed. They’re like newborn fawns on ice who haven’t found their footing yet. They think they’re ready for the world, but they still rely on their mommas. I don’t want to crush this girl.

“Tell her thank you, but I have a girlfriend.”

The girl’s eyes bulge out. “But we just read… I mean heard that you were single.”

I chuckle lightly, mostly to myself. Again, not to crush them into the ground.

“It’s new.” I glance at the blonde again since she’s the closest to me. She takes her glass of wine and is about to walk away. “Babe,” I say. She doesn’t turn around because, why would she?

“That’s your girlfriend?” the girl next to me asks.

“Yeah. Give me a sec.” I walk forward four steps and clasp lightly onto the woman’s elbow.

She stops, but the death stare she shoots me back surprises me because that scowl isn’t turning into intrigue and elation that it was me who wants to talk to her. And that’s not an ego thing, it’s just a fact. I’m a good-looking guy and I play professional sports, so the normal reaction I get is the polar opposite of what this woman is giving me.

“Excuse you.” She slides her arm out of my hold.

“This is her? She doesn’t look like she’s your girlfriend,” the young girl says.

“She is. Aren’t you baby?” I ask the blonde and widen my eyes hoping she’ll catch on.

Her gaze shoots from me to the young girl and back to me again. Hopefully, she’s telepathic and sees I’m desperate for a way out that doesn’t bruise this young girl’s ego.

“And you are?” she asks the girl.

“I’m Jenna, but it’s my friend, Katie. She likes Aiden.”

The girl who’s supposed to be my girlfriend looks to me then slides her arm through mine and cozies up close. “Sorry, he’s mine.” She frowns at the young girl. “But it’s new so you never know how long it will last.”

She moves to get away, but I clutch her hand in mine, not allowing her to escape. “Come on now, let’s not pretend it wasn’t an instant connection between us.” I look to the young girl. “Sometimes you feel it right away.”

Her attention catches something off to the right and her jaw drops. “Did you bring Maksim Petrov with you?”

I laugh. “I sure did. Go say you know me.” She’s already moving in his direction until she flippantly waves me off and heads toward him.

“Thanks,” I say to the blonde after both girls are out of earshot.

“Hey, I was young once and crushed on my brother’s friends. Their hearts are fragile. It’s a nice thing of you to let them off kindly.”

“Can I get you a drink?”

She laughs and glances down to the full drink in her hand. “No, I have to get back to my date.”

“Is this you letting me down easy?”

She shrugs. “I guess we’ll find out. Stay clear of those teenagers. I have to think jail could be dangerous for a pretty thing like you.” She smiles and disappears into the crowd.


Maybe this party isn’t so bad after all. If I can get that woman into bed with me tonight, maybe my luck will finally turn back around. At the very least it wouldn’t be a wasted effort.

Chapter Two


I make quick work of getting across the room. That man is dangerous. He’s so gorgeous I imagine the women he picks up probably just strip in front of him and ask where he wants them. At least I was having a hard time not doing that when I turned around and came face-to-face with that chiseled jawline. Usually it’s the eyes, or the mouth or hell, the hair, but jawline? I shake my head for being so ridiculous.

“There you are.” Joran’s arm slides around my back. He’s a nice guy. Dresses in expensive suits, drives fast cars, not overly arrogant but enough to be sexy.

“Sorry there was a bit of a wait at the bar,” I say, smiling at the man in front of me.

“Saige, this is Carl Gerhardt. This is his party.” Joran motions between us.

Carl puts out his bear paw of a hand and I shake it. “Welcome, Saige.”

“Your home is beautiful.” Understatement of the year.

He smiles and I catch a hint of a silver cap in the back. How can a man who can afford to own half of Florida not have an implant? “Thank you. The wife decorates.”

I bite my tongue at the fact that he just referred to his wife as ‘the wife’ Copyright 2016 - 2024