Winter Love - Kennedy Fox Page 0,41


A bell rang prettily as I opened the big wood door and stepped into the well-lit foyer, which smelled of fresh flowers and apple spice.

“I’ll be right with you,” a female voice called, and when I noticed the door with Powder Room embossed on it, I took the opportunity to relieve at least one of my urgent needs.

As I walked back out into the lobby, my stomach growled, reminding me of another need I’d have to remedy pretty quickly.

“I swear I heard the door chime, but when I went to the desk, there was no one there.”

The lady speaking had her back to me, but I could see she was wearing a house dress with an apron covering it, and her gray hair was pulled back into a neat bun. The gentleman, who I assumed was her husband, caught my eye over her shoulder, and I was able to make out a grin beneath his massive salt and pepper beard.

“I think I found our guest, Marie,” he said cheerfully, his voice deep and gravelly.

Marie spun around with her hands clasped in front of her and gave me a welcoming smile.

“Well, there she is,” she began as she moved closer to her side of the desk. “I knew I’d heard the door open. Welcome to the Promise Inn.”

“Thank you,” I replied, crossing the few steps it took for me to reach her. “I know it’s last minute, but I’m really hoping you have a vacancy.”

Marie’s smile drooped a little as she said, “No worries there, sweetie. We’ve only one other guest, and he’s here in the same predicament as you. Stuck here for a few days when all you were trying to do was pass through.”

I was about to ask how she knew I was just passing through when what she said registered.

“Stuck here for a few days?”

“Big storm’s coming tonight,” the man replied. “Gonna have to hunker down here until it passes.”

I looked out the window to see the snow was coming down even harder now.

“Oh,” I murmured, a little disappointed I wouldn’t be able to continue to my destination tomorrow. But, I thought with a shrug, I could lay low here just as easily as I could in Aspen. Maybe even more so…

“It’s lucky you got here when you did,” Marie said, once again cheerful. “We’ll get you set up in a warm and cozy room that’s sure to make your stay a pleasant one.”

“Thank you,” I said, just as my stomach growled loudly. My cheeks heated, and I asked, “Is there a restaurant nearby?”

“The diner is right next door, but you’d best put in an order quick. I’m sure Terry’s gonna close up shop early to get home before the storm,” Marie said. “Why don’t you give Merle your keys, and he’ll bring in your bags and get you settled while you get yourself some dinner.”

When I paused, she lifted her chin, and said, “Go on. We’ll take care of everything.”

“Thank you,” I said again as I reluctantly passed my keys to Merle.

“You betcha,” Merle replied with a toothy grin.

He held open the door, and I walked out, my head swinging left, then right, before my gaze fell on the sign for the Promise Diner.

I looked back at Merle, and asked, “Is this town called Promise?”

“Yes, it is… where we promise to make you feel at home,” he replied with a wink, before walking through the parked cars and opening my trunk.

Pulling my coat tighter around my shoulders, I dipped my chin against the chill, quickly moving to the entrance of the diner. The walls were made of glass, so I could see one person working behind the counter and one customer still being served.

I said a silent prayer of thanks when I pulled on the handle, and it opened. When I stepped inside, the smell of grease and old coffee wafted toward me, and I swear, nothing had ever smelled so good.

“I know you must be closing, but would it be possible to put in a to-go order?” I asked hopefully when the man behind the counter looked in my direction.

“Sure can… come on in,” he replied. “I hope you don’t mind me cleaning up while you wait. It’s supposed to be an ugly storm, and I expect I’ll be closed for a few days at least.”

“Of course not. I appreciate you letting me in,” I said, crossing to the stool at the counter in front of him.

His shirt had Terry embroidered on it, so when he Copyright 2016 - 2024