Winning my Best Friend's Girl - Piper Rayne Page 0,90

he rushes out. “For a year.”

“Good. I’m happy for you.”

It’s true. I might not love Jamison anymore but one day Palmer will want answers and I’d like to tell her that her father got his shit together.

“I never should have let you leave.”

A huff escapes. “Hard to fight for us when you’re passed out. I was always curious how many days it took you to realize I’d left you.”

He looks dazed like he doesn’t remember. Probably kept waking up thinking I was at the store.

“I want another chance,” he says, ignoring my jab.

I shake my head.

“Is she deaf?” he asks changing the course of our conversation. I want to keep all things Palmer away from him until I have a better idea what’s going on with him these days.

“Listen, I’m in the middle of something. Are you staying at Glacier Point?” If he is, I’m going to be pissed at my brother-in-law Wyatt for not giving me a heads-up that he’d booked a room.

“Um, I haven’t booked a room anywhere yet. I just flew in this morning.”

“So you were just going to wheel your suitcase around and hope you found me?” Typical unprepared Jamison.

“I wasn’t sure. I’ve been planning this moment for so many months and now that I’m here, so close to you, I don’t know what to do. My plan went out the window. You’re gorgeous by the way, but you were when you were pregnant with our daughter too.”

He reaches out to touch me and I retract my arm. “Funny, I never thought you noticed.”

His head tilts, and he tries to use that same look that would get me to forget our stupid fights back when we were together. Well, not this time. This isn’t him leaving the toilet seat up or not loading the dishwasher. “I’ve loved you since I’ve known you. Of course I noticed you. You glowed just like you do now. But tell me, do I have competition? Who’s the father of your baby?” He glances to my left hand and I pull it behind my back.

A million lies flash through my brain like pop-up thoughts in the comics above my head. My ring doesn’t fit anymore. We’re not engaged. But all of it is a lie. So I go with snark. “My life is none of your business.”

He nods. “Just hear me out. One coffee or tea or whatever you can drink in your condition.”

I roll my eyes. “Jamison, I’m happy you’re doing well but nothing is going to change between the two of us.”

His shoulders slump, and he says nothing for a minute. “Just one coffee. I understand you’re mad, I would be too, but I’m only asking for you to hear me out.”

I fight the impulse to say yes. He was always hard to say no to, hence how I ended up pregnant. “I don’t know. It’s been a long time.”

“Please, Sedona. Please.” A line forms at the bridge of his nose as he pleads with me.

The door of Terra and Mare opens and we both glance over to find Kingston wheeling Jamison’s suitcase out and resting it by the side of the building. Instead of going back, he stands there with his arms crossed staring over at us.

“King,” I say with an irritated tone.

“It’s just such a beautiful day. I want to take full advantage.” He shoves his hands into his pockets and his head circles up to stare up at the sky.

The door opens again a second later and Stella shoots me a sympathetic look while trying to drag Kingston back inside the restaurant. They exchange a few words, but Stella wins per usual.

“Now is not the time. I have to get back in there,” I say to Jamison once they’re gone.

He nods. “Tomorrow?”

I exhale a big breath. “I don’t know.”

“Please, Sedona.”

I guess I wouldn’t mind some explanations after all this time. Plus it gives me an opportunity to tell him it’s completely over between us since he seems to be on a mission to win me back—if what he says can be believed. “Fine.”

He reaches out again and I step back. His hands fall to his side. “Thank you.”

“But not here.” I glance around. “I’ve kept us out of Buzz Wheel for this long, and I don’t want that changing. A lot of people still know you here. Meet me in Sunrise Bay. Tomorrow at ten o’clock. There’s a diner called Two Brothers and an Egg.”

“Perfect. I’ll be there.” He smiles and I ignore the way it Copyright 2016 - 2024