Winning my Best Friend's Girl - Piper Rayne Page 0,55

to Harley’s. In my experience of working in an emergency room, mothers have a zillion worries about their babies, and I figured Harley and Rome might want me to give the baby a once-over. But Harley’s the only mom I’ve come across who just rolls with it. She’s so chill, I’m envious.

“It stopped. It was this tightening in my stomach. But I haven’t had it for five minutes, so that’s a good sign, right?” She forks a piece of pie and shoves it into her mouth.

My gaze falls to a stack of Lard Have Mercy pie boxes near the trash.

“She’s kind of addicted to the pies,” Kingston whispers.

“I heard you. And it’s called cravings when you’re pregnant, FYI.” Sedona shoots Kingston a look that could kill.

“I think I should still check you out.” I walk farther into the apartment and find that it smells like Kingston. Not his cologne—he’s changed that since high school—but his soap maybe. There’s a game console by the television and a sports magazine on the table near the door. The space isn’t really decorated in any specific color scheme. It’s all man here. “Didn’t Juno live here with you for a while?”

Sedona laughs. “Are you wondering because the apartment screams ‘poor college bachelor’ motif?”

I glance at Kingston behind me and he rolls his eyes.

“If I wasn’t about to pop out a baby, I’d do something about it.”

I sit down next to Sedona, and she hands me her empty plate and lifts her shirt.

“Sedona!” Kingston shouts.

“It’s a belly, Kingston. Surely you’ve seen one before.” She shakes her head at him.

“It’s moving.” He points at her with a mix of awe and agitation on his face. Sure enough, the baby must be shifting.

Sedona cradles her stomach with her hand. “She keeps doing that as if she doesn’t have enough room.”

“It’s like in that movie Alien,” Kingston says.

“Did you just call my baby an alien?” Sedona snips.


“Okay, you two. Let’s go to your room, Sedona, and I’ll examine you.” I stand and hold my hand out to help her up.

She slides to the edge of the couch and, with the use of my hand, gets on her feet. We head into the bedroom, and I feel Kingston watching me the entire time. After last weekend, we never did clear up the whole fight and everything. I guess if Sedona doesn’t have to go to the hospital, now’s the time.

Sedona gets on the bed and I examine her to see if she’s dilated. She’s not due for another few weeks, but you never know. I listen to her stomach, her heart, and search for the baby’s heartbeat even though we just saw her moving.

When I’m done, I ask, “Are you excited to be having a girl?”

Sedona puts her shirt back down and slides into her sweatpants before sitting cross-legged on the bed. She looks down at her swollen stomach. “Yeah.”

“Are you scared?”

She nods. “A little. I mean, I can’t live with Kingston forever. He’s not going to want a newborn here. I need to figure out a long-term plan, it’s just scary. I always thought I’d be doing this with Jamison, you know?”

“I’m sure Kingston doesn’t mind. Do you have any idea what you’re going to do?”

She shakes her head. “I want it to just be us. I want her to know she can depend on me no matter what. That I’m strong enough for both of us and we don’t need him.”

Her bitter tone is understandable, though I am surprised by the situation she’s in. From what I knew of Jamison back in the day, I never thought he’d be someone who wouldn’t take care of his own. That said, I don’t know what situation led them here.

“Have you talked to Jamison?”

She shakes her head.

“You’re strong, Sedona, but you can be strong and ask for help too.”

“I know. But we’ll be fine.” She looks up and smiles. “What about you and Kingston? What’s going on?”

I stand from the bed. “I think you were just having Braxton-Hicks. You’re not dilated, and I’ve been with you for over fifteen minutes and nothing. But keep an eye on them, and if you feel them again, we should probably go to the hospital to get you checked. When do you see your doctor?”


“Perfect. Let him know about today though.”

She nods. “I will. Thanks.”

“I better go.” I glance back at the door, nervous about the conversation I’m about to have with her brother.

“So you’re just going to dodge my question?”

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