Winning my Best Friend's Girl - Piper Rayne Page 0,53


Allie and Stella don’t return until I’m already in bed. Her laughter rings down the hall. I’m not upset that she’s having fun. Allie’s a good friend to her, and I’m happy that Stella’s happy.

But early the next morning, I pack my bags, scribble a note to the group, and hightail it back to Lake Starlight. Because Lou’s right—if I don’t change, Stella’s never going to welcome me with open arms. But if I do change, can I really be happy killing off a part of myself? It’s about time I face the fact that there might not be a future for us.

Midweek, I head to Rome and Harley’s to visit my newest nephew, Linus Jacob Bailey. I’m crossing my fingers we’re calling him LJ or just Jacob because how can they name him after the kid in Peanuts who carried his security blanket around with him?

I knock and Calista looks out the side window before opening the door.

“Uncle Kingston!” She smiles at me. “Want to take me to get ice cream?”

I pat her head. “After I see the new baby.”

“Ugh.” She rolls her eyes. “Fine. Everyone has to see the baby.”

I swoop her up and turn her upside down. “Ice cream after. Promise.”

She giggles and squirms, but I walk into the family room where toys are strewn everywhere and a passed-out Harley is on the couch with her hand inside the bassinet next to her. Little Linus, or LJ or whatever, is asleep inside. I quickly change courses and head to the hallway that veers to the kitchen.

Phoebe’s twirling in the doorway and smiling at someone at the kitchen table. My guess is Rome. Dion jets down the stairs and Calista’s still wiggling, but I hold her ankles firmly.

“Dion, here’s your chance for payback. She’s at your mercy,” I say.

Dion’s eyes light up and he breaks the distance. His fingers tickle his sister’s ribcage.

“Stop it!” Calista screams, and Rome appears in the doorway, scowling.

“Okay, yeah, we’re in trouble now.” I lower Calista to the floor, and she runs as far as she can from me. I give Dion a high five.

“If you wake my wife, I’m going to gut-punch you,” Rome says.

I hold up my hands. “Sorry.” From what I saw, even a tornado wouldn’t wake her.

Rome’s wearing an apron which means food, and my stomach growls.

“What are you cooking?” I ask.

I step into the kitchen, ready to pat Phoebe on the head, but my hand hangs there when I see who my niece was showing off for. I should’ve known, what with Phoebe’s twirls.

“Stella?” I can’t keep the question from my voice.

She turns the coffee cup in her hand. “Hey, I just came by to see the baby.”

I guess we’re just going to pretend that her running off in tears didn’t happen last weekend.

“Me too.”

Dion and Calista chase one another around me, one or both of them grabbing my hands until my arms circle around me.

“I’m making granola, muffins, and easy breakfast stuff because our mornings are so damn hectic trying to get the other kids fed.”

“I had gummy worms for breakfast,” Dion says as if he’s six, not four, and just conquered the big roller coaster.

Rome raises his eyebrows with an expression that says “See?”

I grab a piece of granola that’s cooling and pop it in my mouth. “It’s good.”

Rome slides the rest away from me. “Of course it’s good. I made it.”

Stella laughs, and both of us look her way. “Are there any Bailey boys who don’t have an ego?”

“No.” Harley walks in with Linus in her arms. She looks like death. Seriously—baggy eyes and her clothes have stains, her hair hangs limply around her face, and she seems paler than normal.

“You look great,” Stella says and stands from the table.

Is she looking at the same woman?

“You’re sweet.”

Stella holds out her arms and Harley passes the baby to Stella, who looks like a pro with the way she cradles his head and situates him flawlessly in her arms.

“I’m starving. He eats as much as you.” Harley pokes my side.

“Your snacks are in the fridge.” Rome kisses her cheek.

She zombie-walks to the fridge and takes out a container of cubed cheese, chicken, and nuts. At the kitchen table, she falls into a chair with an oomph.

“You should go upstairs and rest. We got this. I have fresh reinforcements,” Rome says to her, but she waves him off.

“I had this dream that this guy came in our house and was super loud and got the kids all riled Copyright 2016 - 2024