Winning my Best Friend's Girl - Piper Rayne Page 0,51

least I know if we do ever get in a fight, you’ve got a killer right hook.” He takes the steak off his face.

Kingston winces. “Sorry, man. I just thought…”

I shake my head when he looks in my direction. It’s like déjà vu all over again. I stomp into the house, walk down the stairs, and slam my bedroom door. But Samantha starts screaming again like she’s in the world’s greatest orgasm contest, so I snatch Allie’s keys off the desk, throw on a coat, and slide into my boots.

“Stella,” Allie says, rushing into the room. “You can’t leave.”

“I’ll be back. I just need space right now.” I slide past her and out the door into the hallway.

Kingston’s there, sitting on the end of the stairs with his hands clasped between his open legs.

“Nope.” I point at him. “I do not want to talk to you right now.” I walk up the stairs, squeezing past him.

“I’m going with her,” Allie says, and suddenly she’s at my side at the top of the stairs. “Here, give me the keys. I’ll drive you wherever you want to go.”

I open up the front door and drop the keys into her hand. I turn to look behind me and find Kingston at the top of the stairs, hands in his sweatshirt, staring at me. He truly is the most gorgeous man.

“You stay here.” I point at him again.

Once we’re in Allie’s car, I let my head fall into my hands and tears cascade down my face. Allie reverses then puts the car in drive. I glance at the house. Kingston is at the top of the stairs, watching me. I just can’t right now.

“I’m sorry, Stella. I’m the worst friend ever. Did you really like Lou? Like, suddenly his lips were on mine and I kissed him back. But I thought you said you didn’t like him like that and that nothing was going on with you guys anymore?” Allie rambles.

I put my hand on her forearm. “This isn’t about Lou.”

“Oh phew, but still, I have no idea what came over me. Why would he even kiss me?”

“Maybe because the two of you were flirting the entire time we were skiing today.”

She turns off the residential street the house is on and I feel as though I can finally inhale a full breath.

“We did?” She looks at me but quickly shifts her vision back to the road. “Anyway, forget all that. So why are you crying then?”

“Because Kingston just punched his best friend because of me.” I clench my shaking hands. “It’s happening all over again.”

“What is?” She veers into the parking lot of a small diner. “I don’t know about you, but I need to eat when I’m stressed.”

I laugh because when does Allie not think of food?

She turns off the ignition and holds the keys. “Pie on me?”

I nod, and we file out of the car. A nice waitress seats us in a booth by the door, and Allie orders everything—pie and a milkshake and a sundae with extra nuts.

“Okay, be straight with me, Stella. How do you really feel about Kingston?” She’s looking at me with such sympathy and understanding that all the walls I’ve so expertly constructed in my time back here come crumbling down and the truth pours out.

“I love him.”

She smiles and reaches over the table, covering my hand with hers. “I thought so. Why the hell aren’t you guys a couple then? Because that boy is crazy about you.”

Over an array of sweets for the next hour, I tell her the whole sordid tale of Stella and Kingston—all the love, all the affection, all the pain, all the betrayal. All the reasons we can’t be together.



I made her cry. Again. What the hell is wrong with me? How could I ever think we’d be good together when all that ever lives between us is tears?

I slam the front door, heading right for the fridge, ready to drink myself into oblivion. If I’m lucky, I won’t remember tomorrow what happened tonight.

Too bad Lou is prepared for me and standing in front of the fridge. “I think you need a babysitter tonight.”

“I think you’re wrong.” His eye is purple and swollen. “Fuck, I’m sorry, man.”

He touches his eye and winces. “Please, it adds to my tough appeal. But next time, why don’t you start with the questions instead of the fists?”

I nod. “Can I please have a beer now?”

He motions with his head to the counter, where there’s a Copyright 2016 - 2024