Winning my Best Friend's Girl - Piper Rayne Page 0,46

telling me you don’t surf the net for porn looking to get your fix? I’ll bet you both have playlists arranged in order of viewing preference. At least mine has a happily ever after.”

“Oh, ours have happy endings, too,” Kingston says with a chuckle.

I roll my eyes and hold out my hand. He places the book in my palm. I snatch it back. “No judging.”

He holds up both hands. “I’m not judging. If you want, I’m happy to read it to you.”

“Why would that be?”

Tank and Stump walk into the room from the side bedroom, each of them in the clothes they wore last night, now wrinkled. Lou talks to them.

Kingston takes the opportunity of his friends’ distraction to lean in close. “Because when you’re horny after reading all the hot sex scenes, I’ll be the closest male.”

My body floods with heat as though I’m lying on a Mexican beach in the middle of summer. “You wish.”

“You’re right. I do.”

I roll my eyes and storm out of the room, forgetting my coffee cup. Circling back around, I grab it off the counter.

Tank gives me a weird look at the same time that Samantha barrels into the room wearing her long underwear and her hair in a cute ponytail that bounces from side to side. “Today’s the day, boys. Be there or be square.” She runs her hand on my arm. “Morning, Stella.”

“Helicopter?” I ask, forgetting for a moment what Lou was talking about a minute ago.

She smiles, accepting her cup of coffee from Stump. “Yeah, we’re taking a helicopter up to the top of the mountain to ski down. I think Kingston might be using his parachute.” She looks to Kingston for clarification before saying to me, “Did you want to come? I didn’t figure you for an adrenaline junkie.”

I’m staring at Kingston because here we go again with him trying to kill himself.

“Nah, Stella’s idea of adrenaline is the moguls,” he says.

I narrow my eyes, unzip my sweatshirt, and walk right past him, enjoying how his gaze falls to my swaying breasts and my nips that are out for him to see but not touch. He says nothing, and I head to the stairs and the bathroom downstairs. Shutting the door behind me, I inhale a deep breath and release it. First order of business? Extinguish the ache between my thighs.



What is she trying to do? I watch the sway of Stella’s tits in her threadbare T-shirt and my mouth waters like a fucking faucet. Was that some sort of tease to say I’ll never have my hands on those? The woman is a fucking sadist.

“Romeo?” Lou’s voice interrupts me checking out her ass.

I clear my throat, crossing my fingers that Lou didn’t see me gawking at the woman he’s dating. Pushing Stella and her more-than-a-handful of tits from my mind, I join the rest of them in the prep area. “What’s up?”


Lou stares at me for longer than a fleeting glance. Shit, he probably did see me.

“I’m so stoked. I could barely sleep.” Samantha takes a seat at the table and props a leg up on the edge of her chair, eating a slice of bacon.

“You coming, Stump?” I clasp my hand on his shoulder. He’s not usually up for things like Tank is, so I’m thinking it’ll just be the three of us.

“Nah. I’m heading out with Lou, Allie, and Stella. You assholes can do all that death-defying shit.”

Tank smiles and forks another helping of eggs into his mouth.

“Explain the concept to me.” Lou sits on the counter.

The rest of us are standing around instead of joining Samantha at the table to eat like civilized people.

“What concept?” Tank mumbles.

I’m sick of having conversations about what I choose to do with my life and body. My adrenaline needs a little more heart gallops than a normal person does to get going. So the fuck what? It’s not their life I’m jeopardizing; it’s mine.

“The why of it,” Lou says.

Tank glances to me then at Samantha before laughing.

“It’s the exhilaration.” Samantha sips her coffee. “The adrenaline is a rush and when you’re done…” Samantha shares a look with Tank.

He nods. “It’s an aphrodisiac for sure.”

Samantha nods. “Definitely.”

Huh, I never get that feeling. I’m wired after and I usually want to do it all over again, but I’ve never felt like I wanted to have sex after. Then again, I wouldn’t have complained if it was offered.

“Really?” Lou asks, hopping down from the counter and loading a plate with eggs and Copyright 2016 - 2024