Winning my Best Friend's Girl - Piper Rayne Page 0,39

She’s dressed in a pair of black yoga pants and a long sweater and boots. Her black hair is still in locs and pulled back into a ponytail. She’s adorable and cute and sexy all wrapped up together. If only I could tear my eyes from her neck.

It’s torture to want a girl for so long that eight years later, you’re still imagining what it’s like to be with her. I have no idea the sounds she makes when she comes or how long it would take me to find the perfect spot on her body to drive her mad. Does her back arch? Does she moan? Is she vocal and would she tell me to do it again? I’ve imagined all of it as I beat off over the years, but I still don’t know.

“Yeah, yeah. Lou helped too.” Allie rolls her eyes.

“Well, I love it. Thank you both for the push.” Stella sips from her wine glass. Sick fuck that I am, I watch her swallow. She must sense my eyes on her because she turns to me briefly before moving her attention to Lou. “How’s the water?”

“It’s perfect. Grab your suit.”

I remain quiet, just an observer. Allie’s gaze darts to me, as if we’re all waiting with bated breath to see what Stella will do. But she and Lou are dating, so she should be able to jump in the hot tub and spend some time with him, as much as that grates me. I could cock-block my friend and join them, but I’m not gonna do that.

“I’m going to scour the fridge and see what we should make for dinner.” I jump off the deck and disappear inside.

The sliding door opens behind me as I open the cabinets. We were told there’d be essentials, but we still have to do some shopping.

“Romeo,” Allie says, sidling up to the breakfast bar, holding her beer with both her hands where it rests on the counter.

“What’s up?”

“Mind helping me with a cooler in my car? I have some food for tonight and Tank said he’ll grab some stuff at the butcher’s for tomorrow.”

“I think I should go to the store anyway.” I walk past her, but she grabs my arm to stop me.

“I don’t want this to be uncomfortable for anyone. Stella’s being all weird now.”

Out of instinct, I look out the sliding doors. Lou’s standing at the edge of the hot tub now, his washboard abs on display. Mine are better, but Stella will see that in good time. “It’s not weird. I just only brought snacks so…”

She releases my arm and slides to her feet from the stool. “Give a weak girl like me a hand?” She flutters her eyelashes, her voice imitating a helpless Southern girl.

I can’t help but smile. “Sure, let’s go.”

“Thank you. You have all those big muscles and everything.” She keeps up with her version of a Southern belle—Allie’s lived in Alaska her entire life, as far as I know.

We walk down the stairs toward the cars. “I have to say, the place is pretty awesome.”

She nods. “Yeah. Dr. Anderson’s family is in real estate. I think this cabin was his wedding present.”

“Must be nice.” I stare at the log-style cabin that also has a modern touch.

“Tell me about it.” She looks at the house now too, and all I can think of is what’s going on around the back of the house. “So are we just gonna stare at the house and not mention how awkward it was out on the deck?”

I nod toward her car and she pulls out her keys, unlocking it with the key fob. “Last I checked, you’re the one who withheld the information from me that Stella was coming.”

She laughs and pulls out the items she wants me to take into the house. “Are you mad?”

Is she kidding? I’d never be mad about getting to spend time with Stella. Even if I have to watch my friend moon over her. “I should be.”

“But you’re not because you and Stella are…” She leans her back into me and makes a heart in the air with both of her fingers.

I nudge her back up straight. “Whatever. We’re friends. That’s all.”

Allie rolls her eyes. “Tell me something, how do I meet Grandma Dori?”

Her question throws me, and I do a double-take. “Grandma Dori?”

She nods. “I read about her all the time in the Lake Starlight Buzz Wheel.”

“And you wanna meet her?”

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