Winning Hollywood's Goodest Gir - Max Monroe Page 0,117

how to help me stay calm. He’d know how to help me work through all of this freaking anxiety and frustration and anger and sadness and whatever else that’s commandeered my bloodstream.

Yeah, but you basically told him to fuck off last night, and now he’s not talking to you.


Deep down, I know I’m probably being irrational. I know my pregnancy hormones are most likely just amping everything up, but I can’t seem to stop feeling unsettled and worried and scared.

I don’t know why he didn’t want to talk to me today or why he didn’t want to stop by the set this afternoon, but I also know the kind of man Harrison is. The kind of man he’s been to me. And that man, well, he would probably have a good reason why he didn’t come to set today. You know, like work or something equally important. A reason that he’ll tell me later, when we finally get a chance to talk.

I sure hope you’re right.

I sag farther into the couch and lean my head back and shut my eyes.

If I just rest here for a little bit, I’ll be able to go back out there and get these next two scenes done in a hurry. And the sooner shooting is done for the day, the sooner I can—

“Hello? Raquel?”

My eyes pop open when more knocks to my trailer door echo inside the room.

“It’s Toby,” the very unwelcome visitor announces. “When do you think you’re going to be done with your alone time?”

Oh, what the hell?

“I will be done a hell of a lot sooner if everyone would stop fucking bothering me.”

“So, like, fifteen minutes?”

Why does it feel like everyone and their freaking mother wants something from me right now? Max gave the entire crew forty-five minutes for a dinner break, and by my calculations, that means I have another thirty minutes to go.

“Toby, go away.”

“Twenty minutes?”

“Go away!” I yell. “I told you I don’t want to be bothered right now.”

“But Heidi wants to know when you’ll be ready for another makeup and hair fix. How about I just send in Alejo and Roberta now, and they can do that while—”

“No,” I answer before he even finishes the question. “I asked you to leave. So, leave!”

Unfortunately for me and my sanity, silence does not fill the space after my words.

“Okay…well… Can I get you anything before I go?”

How hard is this to understand? I mean…hell.

“Please just go.” A deep, heavy, exasperated sigh escapes my lungs. “I asked you to go. That’s what I need right now, okay?”

“Oh, okay. Well, let me know if that changes.”

And then, like the skies open up and the heavens shine down upon me…silence.

I shut my eyes again, resting my head on the couch, hopeful that I’ll be able to sneak in a little nap during this break.

But sleep never comes.

How can it, though, when everything in my life feels like a fucking mess?


I am officially the world’s most impatient man.

When only the light of the moon shines through the windows of my apartment and I see it’s half past ten, I throw in the fucking patience towel.

I feel like I’ve been holding my breath for the past several hours, waiting for Rocky to reach out to me, but nothing ever came. I even tried to call her again and again and again…a total of five times since she sent her last text early this afternoon, but she never answered her phone.

Fuck. I can’t take this anymore.

Finally fed up, I take the elevator up to her apartment and lift my hand to knock on the door when Heidi opens it right out from under my fist.

“Step aside,” I say. “I need to talk to Raquel.”

Heidi’s face is stern, as always, but it’s not malicious toward me for perhaps the first time since I met her. Instead, she looks semi-contrite. “I tried, but she doesn’t want to talk to you.” She shrugs. “I think the best thing you can do is give her some time. You know how hormones can be. Give her a couple of days to cool down. Try calling her then.”

“I need to see her, okay?”

Heidi sighs. “All right. Try for yourself. But don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.”

I breathe a sigh of relief as she steps aside to let me in, and I go immediately to Rocky’s bedroom door. I try the knob, but it’s locked, so I settle for talking through the door.

“Rocky? It’s me. Please, we need to talk.”

“Go away!” Copyright 2016 - 2024