Wink Poppy Midnight - April Genevieve Tucholke Page 0,35

free, palms filled with it. I could feel the blackness breathing, panting, panting, the dark, the dark, the dark.

Not much longer now, it wouldn’t be much longer, my wrists were itching, burning, my arms were falling asleep, they felt dead, dead weights on the ends of my shoulders, but I wasn’t going anywhere, not yet. The scratching sounds came and went with the breeze, the breeze cleared the air, leaves and dirt and dew covering up the dust and dank and death, and I drew it in, sucked it in, like it was meant for me, like it would save me.

I screamed again. Scream, scream, scream. I was losing my voice, but it blocked out the dark, and the scratching, and the whispering, when had the whispering started? Had it always been there? Whisper, whisper, words I didn’t know, stupid words, lumpy words, swampy words, the unforgivables, Wink made them up, I knew she did, I’d known all along, but then who was whispering?

My wrists hurt, my heart hurt, it was beating so fast, so fast, I couldn’t keep up, Leaf was whispering to me, we were in the meadow, and I was beside him on the grass and he was whispering, whispering that I was ugly on the inside, but he was kissing my wrists anyway, kissing them hard, so hard they were burning from it, burning up, and my arms were wrapped around him, so tight they were going numb and this was why, this was why, whispers and heartbeats, whispers and heartbeats, all around me. I wanted to put my hands over my ears but I couldn’t, the whispers drew in closer, so close they were touching me, inside me, through my skin, into my insides, into my inner deeps, I couldn’t bear it, I couldn’t bear one more second of it . . .

I screamed. And screamed.

I tried to keep counting, counting my own flashing heartbeats, just to make sure, one two three, one two three . . .

But then, just like that, like a door slamming in the wind . . .

Everything went quiet.

Everything, for once, was quiet.

I COULD HEAR her screaming. We were half a mile away from the Roman Luck house and I could still hear. Midnight could too, he tensed each time. I felt it.

Bad people still put out traps in the woods. Leaf and I found a coyote once, his back foot caught in the metal teeth. The coyote screamed and screamed. He tried to bite Leaf, and did, on his upper arm, a deep nip, but Leaf got him free all the same. The coyote ran off on his three good feet and didn’t look back.

Leaf stayed out in the forest for two days straight, waiting for the trap man to return to his snare. When Leaf finally came home the front of his shirt was dripping blood. Mim didn’t ask questions. She never asked Leaf questions.

I see the coyote sometimes, standing in the trees at the edge of the farm, looking at me with his big ears and bushy tail. I know it’s him, because of the limp. He watches us for a while, and then retreats into the woods, back to doing his coyote things. He’s looking for Leaf, but I don’t know how to tell him that Leaf is gone.

I’d put out a trap in the woods.

I’d caught a wolf.

And now it was screaming.

If Poppy was the Wolf, and Midnight was the Hero . . .

Then who was I?

WE WERE GOING to leave her for an hour.

Just an hour.

Wink said that’s how long it would take. At least an hour, to kill a monster. We went to the hayloft and she gave me a cup of Earl Grey and read the leaves after I’d sipped it all. She held the cup in her hands, elbows sticking out, and said my leaves spoke of witches and beasts and princes.

It started raining, soft at first, then harder and harder, thunder snapping across the sky.

I asked Wink about what she’d said, when she’d been tied up. About the hungry unforgivables and the lapping up the blood and the popping open Poppy’s brain.

“Where did you come up with all that, Wink? I believed it. I was scared of you. I was.”

Wink smiled, and her ears popped out. “Sometimes I put on plays with the Orphans. Hops and Moon love madmen. They want all our plays to have madmen in them, so I usually play a character that’s wandering a barren moor Copyright 2016 - 2024