Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,75

Jules' face promptly disappeared, and I noticed an echo of fear reflected in her eyes before she slipped into her signature stoic poker face.

“It’s not my fault the engagement is off. That Josiah guy was a total buzzkill. He didn’t even try. He just moped in his room and played on his tablet. Then the emperor came over, and within the hour we were in a transport headed for here.”

I noticed the guys exchange varying looks of concern before bringing their attention back to her. She just confirmed what we already knew; the emperor was behind Josiah’s impromptu visit. I wanted to ask her more about Lackley's intentions but allowed Maverick and Cyler to handle it. But I was more than curious. What hold did Lackley have over Josiah ?

Jacob’s abrupt cough shook me out of my thoughts. His hair was wet as if he just showered, and he wore a form-fitting, button-down shirt tucked into grey slacks that showed off his muscular legs. Our eyes connected, and he smiled before glancing at Jules and walking upstairs. His movements were controlled and stiff with tension.

“To speak plainly, we were all exceedingly disappointed to hear that things didn’t work out with Josiah,” Maverick interrupted with an eye roll. “I know you were excited by the prospect of becoming a Governor’s wife; however, since you’re back on Dormas lands we’ve decided that you are to work in the gardens with some of the new Walkers. We all pull our weight around here, and for too long we’ve allowed you to get by without contributing. You’ve never really had a job. Plus, I think it’s time you move out of the manor. This home is for the Dormas leadership council." Maverick’s face was fierce and unyielding. "Kemper kindly prepared a temporary room for you in the Walker Dorms, and you will be put on the waitlist for a cabin, contingent upon you working well with the other Walkers.”

Jules’ face bloomed a bright red, and her cruel eyes looked me over as if I held the secrets to her banishment and that it was my fault that this was happening to her. I flinched under her scrutiny, and Kemper moved behind me while placing a gentle hand on my waist. His support anchored me, and I was immediately comforted by his presence.

“If this house is for leadership council members only, then why is she here?” she snarled.

“Because she manages our home,” Cyler shrugged, and a slight stabbing pain poked me in the heart. Was that honestly the only reason they kept me around?

“More like she’s the house whore!” Jules barked in frustration, and Kemper gripped me harder against him. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to hold me back from saying anything or if he was holding himself back. I wanted to defend myself but knew it was pointless. Jules was ruthless and stuck in her ways. She couldn’t be reasoned with, and anything I said would be useless.

Huxley, who had been quietly observing our exchange, took menacing strides up to her until his tall frame was standing over her. In a voice so low that I had to strain to hear, Huxley said through clenched teeth, “You better watch your words, Jules. The gardens were a mild punishment compared to what I had planned for you in the mines. Leave within the hour. You’re no longer welcome here. You haven’t been for a while now.”

A small stream of tears began gracefully falling down her angled cheeks, and she peered at Cyler and Maverick with such hurt that I felt an inexplicable urge to defend her, but I bit my lip, knowing that she had a history of lying and being manipulative.

“You both have pushed me away since Mother and Father died. I've spent my entire life hoping you'd one day include me in your little gang, but you never let me in." She gestured to the guys that stood awkwardly around the room. None of them willing to meet her gaze. "One day, you’ll have to stop coming up with excuses for why you don’t want me around.” She puffed out her lower lip then licked up a stray tear. “Besides, your little Walker whore will go crawling back to Josiah one way or another.”

With a huff, Jules straightened her spine, and all sincerity and softness fled her body. She ran to her room where we heard the slamming of doors and drawers. A small crash caused me to flinch. She was Copyright 2016 - 2024