Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,36

the others’ teasing, it became apparent that what they said was, in fact, true. The roaring laughter from the others made me feel sorry for him, so I scooted over to his chair. I sat at his feet and looked up at him.

“Would you teach me how to dance, Kemper?” I asked sweetly, praying that my question would distract him from their teasing. His embarrassed frown lifted into a sweet and shy smile. He then coughed. “It would be my pleasure, Ash,” he replied with a deep voice and a grin. The others still chuckled occasionally, but it mostly died down. My diversion had worked! They then hurried their recliners towards the outskirts of the room, creating a makeshift dance floor.

Jacob typed on his tablet until a folk song began blaring on their impressive sound system. The wooden walls shook with the beat, causing my heart to thud.

Kemp pulled me to my feet while the others watched. He pulled me close while placing a hand on my lower back. We looked at one another while Kemp began describing the dance steps. After he seemed convinced that I understood, he started guiding me around the room.

I was clumsy, as usual. But instead of teasing me, Kemper seemed more determined to teach me. I tried to fight the grin, but it took up a permanent residence upon my face while he spun me around the room. He seemed in perfect control.

He was gentle yet authoritative, directing me while cushioning my waist with his padded fingertips. The others watched us with kind eyes, except Huxley, who seemed to dislike me more and more as the dance continued. Occasionally, the others would throw out suggestions regarding my posture or our foot placements until Cyler walked up and asked for a turn.

“Kemp was kind enough to teach you a formal step, but just in case, I think you should learn how some of the others in Dormas like to dance.” He winked suggestively at me, and my hands trembled.

“Are you sure your leg can handle that?” I asked playfully, knowing full well that it was healing nicely.

“Why don’t you let me show you how much I can handle?” he replied.

Jacob turned on another song that emphasized the drum beat; it was a sensual song that made my cheeks flame. Where Kemp held me like I was fine china, Cyler crushed my body towards his. I felt like jelly, molding myself to him suggestively. He placed both hands on my hips, and the room seemed to catch fire. Patrick and Jacob whistled loudly.

He moved me against him achingly. I felt every move his body made pressed upon mine. My chest surrendered to his, and my forehead rested on his shoulder. The earlier playfulness everyone felt seemed to dissolve as I danced against Cyler. Too soon, Jacob cut the music, shocking me out of the trance that dancing with Cyler caused. I looked into his deep eyes while he brushed his shoulder-length hair off his neck.

For a brief moment, I wished the song hadn’t ended, but I remembered Jules, and the distance she put between each of them, and it was like a bucket of iced water on my senses. I quickly scrambled to brush off the awkwardness left behind by our suggestive dance.

“Thanks for the lesson, Cyler. If a suitor asks me to dance, I believe he will be most pleased,” I joked with a wink. However, instead of the playful chuckles, I intended to cause, Cyler threw a predatory gaze my way.

“The only men that will be dancing with you are in this room, babe,” he said in a tone that made me shiver.

I looked around the room, but the other boys refused to make eye contact with me. I felt like I’d ruined the mood of the evening, so I excused myself and said goodnight. The sudden turn of events made me nervous. I didn’t want to anger them, and I certainly didn’t want to disappoint Jacob after everything he had experienced.

Everyone mumbled their good wishes, and I made plans to head over to the General Store in the morning. I headed back to my room, feeling entirely defeated and was surprised to find Huxley standing outside my door. I wasn’t sure how he managed to pass me, but his brooding figure made me more nervous.

He walked closer to me, breathing hot air on my face. His proximity made my chest heave, and Huxley was so near that I brushed against him with every Copyright 2016 - 2024