Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,294

wearing white anymore. “I reward those loyal to me, Ash,” Cavil said with venom.

“Why?” I whispered to her. I should have known this all along, right? She didn’t seek out a position in the Resistance. She grew up at Madam B’s brothel and was forced into this role. I thought back to the advice she gave me my first night here.

“Cling to that innate part of you that wants to survive.”

When Kaye’s sister backed out, her survival instincts kicked in, and she was more than willing to sacrifice all of us to save herself. “I survive, Ash,” she said. “I always survive.”

Cavil placed his hand at my lower back and guided me away from Kaye, smiling at onlookers and acting like ruining assassination attempts was a normal occurrence for him. I wondered if he wanted the public display to show that he was invincible, and at that moment, it seemed like he very well was.

“I was going to wait until after dinner, but I don’t think I can stomach sitting next to you for the next hour and not slitting your throat,” he growled. The hallway lights seemed to flicker as he dragged me. Each step felt like trudging through wet cement. I didn’t want to go with him, but what choice did I have?

I didn’t want to die like this, once again being pulled to my fate without any way out of it. The lights ahead flickered once more, and for a moment, I felt like I was back in the dark streets of Ethros. He was pulling me back into the darkest night of my life. Commodore—sorry, Emperor—Cavil was evil.

I looked in the corner and let out a shocked whimper when I saw Cyler and Maverick on their knees on the floor. “Ash!” Cyler yelled while struggling to move. He lifted his leg to stand up and a nearby guard pressed a button on his tablet, activating his fetter.

Harsh screams echoed off the walls, and I choked back a sob. I wanted to beg Cavil to stop hurting him, but he would just get more pleasure from my groveling. That’s what he wanted, wasn’t it? He wanted to feel powerful. “Do you like my new ivory room? I had it installed when we moved here,” Cavil said while waltzing over to Cyler and patting him on the head like he was a pet.

I closed my eyes, knowing that this was it. Cyler, Maverick, and I would most likely die here in this room. I knew that the white walls and furniture would be coated with our blood and that there was nothing to stop him. The only consolation I had was that Kemper, Jacob, Patrick, and Huxley would survive.

No. That just wasn’t good enough.

I took in the four poster bed in the middle of the room. Tall posts at each corner of the bed with white bedding and a canopy over top drew my attention. The bedding was pulled tight, and white pillows rested against the headboard. “It looks tacky. I’ve never really been one for showy rooms,” I replied with a smile.

I should have been submissive or at least pretended to be. But if I was going to die in this room, I’d die with dignity. I wouldn’t roll over on my back and accept whatever the fates dealt me. I’d die a strong Dormas woman, through and through.

I was expecting retaliation, but the backhanded slap still caught me off guard. I fell to the ground, and Maverick let out a curse. “Fuck you, Cavil,” he groaned as the guard pressed the button once more, activating his fetter.

“I don’t need you anymore, Maverick,” Cavil spat. “Your brain and talent can’t protect you. I found out the clue to saving the empire. It’ll be ME that saves everyone.”

“What does that even mean? How could someone like you save everyone?” I asked. I was baiting him and trying to buy us some time. There had to be something that could get us out of here.

“I found out some interesting news this week. Something that made me eager to go back home and explore a bit more,” Cavil replied cryptically while moving closer to me. Slowly, he wrapped his hand around my wrist, pulled me towards the bed, and sat me down on the hard mattress. Once more, I eyed the four posts on the bed frame.

“You might remember my Companion in Ethros, Dominique. She’s been keeping some dirty secrets,” Cavil snarled as he spoke, unbuttoning his dress shirt and Copyright 2016 - 2024