Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,195

explicit plans for us that don't involve a lab in Ethros," Cyler said in a deadpan voice before closing his eyes.

I watched him slip into an easy, relaxed nap while I daydreamed about our future.

Chapter Seventeen

When I went downstairs the next morning, Patrick was standing in the dim hallway with his arms crossed over his chest. "Cavil's coming back," he said. No good morning kiss, no comforting hug or calm breakfast. Just the drop of news that meant our brief moment of peace was coming to an end.

"When?" I asked. My voice was shaky, and I subconsciously grabbed my wrist where my fetter sat.

"Couple days, maybe? Come on, we all need to talk," he said in a sad voice. He pulled my elbow in the direction of the main lab but I stood still, rooting my feet against his pull.

"Can we wait a second?" I knew we all had to talk, but I needed just a moment to compose myself. There was always the reality that Cavil would return, and with him, a new array of problems or political scheming.

"Are you okay?"

"I just,” I began. “I just want one second to enjoy the feeling of limbo. Once we go in there, we're going to have to make plans concerning our future, and I'm not looking forward to all that entails," I replied while letting the honesty flow through me. The truth was, Kemper was no closer to solving the fetter problem, and if it came down to it, I would do everything in my power to get those not bound to me off this island. Patrick wrapped his arms around me, and I enjoyed the feeling of his comforting hold.

"If we were back in Dormas, what would we be doing right now?" I asked while smiling into his broad chest.

"I'd be bringing you breakfast in bed while singing you another ridiculous lullaby. You'd need to refuel, so we could continue vigorous lovemaking and other shenanigans." I let out a giggle and Patrick's chest shook with his suppressed laughter.

"That sounds like a very good morning. I miss your lullabies, Patrick." I held the soft fabric of his shirt while looking up at him.

"I’ve got a terrible voice!” he exclaimed while throwing his head back. I loved watching him laugh. And when he calmed down, there was a refreshing gleam in his eye. “Want to start over, my lady?" he asked in a cheesy voice before sweeping my feet out from under me and carrying me up the stairs. I giggled the entire way up, as he breathlessly began singing another song.

When the wind blows, the cradle will rock.

His voice wasn’t graceful, or even in key, but it was sweet, vulnerable, and just for me. When the song was complete, he laid me down and pulled the soft comforter up to my chin. It was in this moment that I almost forgot about all the trouble ahead of us.

"What was next? Breakfast in bed," Patrick said while holding up an index finger and ticking off his mental to-do list. "Then lovemaking and shenanigans." He cocked his head to the side and licked his lips.

With a snap of his fingers, he shuffled around the kitchenette. He opened the various cabinets and drawers until he found a pre-packaged pastry. Under normal circumstances, it would be the last thing any of us wanted to eat, but Patrick somehow made even the most disgusting things appealing.

"Breakfast in bed, check." Patrick handed the pastry to me with a bow then stared at me expectantly.

I smiled and licked my fingers slowly, knowing full well the effect it had on him. It felt good to test out my newfound confidence on him. There was no pressure with Patrick. I knew that even if I looked ridiculous, he’d still playfully explore this side of me.

"When did you become so sure of yourself?" Patrick whispered in astonishment as I took a bite of my breakfast.

"I'm not. I just don't want to focus on my insecurities when there are much better uses of my time," I replied back with what I hoped to be a coy smirk. I ate up my breakfast while Patrick watched, and when it was time for the last bite, I stopped and dropped the tiniest scrap of food on the plate.

"I'm too full. Can't finish. Guess we will have to get to step two another time," I said with a wink. Patrick made flirting fun. It wasn't as angsty and intense as my connections with the others. Copyright 2016 - 2024