Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,175

pounded through my thoughts, muddling my awareness.

"It's about time you woke up," Jules' voice said. I opened my eyes but shut them back when the bright light above me was too jarring. I moaned a bit while pushing my stiff arms up to cover my face.

I felt the mattress dip beside me as Jules sat down. "We don't have all day. I need you to sit up, drink some water, and pull yourself together. Maverick's about to do something drastic, and I need you to stop him." Her words made me force my tired eyes to stay open. Jules slipped her arms around me and helped me sit up, the act was gentle and considerate.

She held a glass of water up to my lips, and I took deep drawls from the straw, then coughed when it hit my raw throat. "Slow down, you're going to make yourself sick," she complained. I pulled back, resting my head against the headboard of the bed while taking in my surroundings. My vision was blurry, but after a few moments, I determined that I was at the lab and in the upstairs apartment. The bed I was in must have been Maverick's. Surrounding me were various medical instruments hooked up to my chest, reading my vitals.

"W-what’s happening?" I forced out in a whisper, my voice was barely audible. She looked at the ceiling in exasperation.

"Let's get you downstairs so you can see for yourself. They've been fighting nonstop." Yelling erupted downstairs, and I winced at the loud noise.

"She could've died!" Huxley's voice rang out loud and clear.

"What did you expect me to do? They keep me locked up in this lab. I didn't even know what was happening!" Maverick replied. I turned to Jules who looked exasperated.

"I know you’re tired, but I think it's time you wake up,” she said with a frown. "I figured you wouldn't appreciate being asleep while they kill each other."

I gripped the edge of the cot, prepared to stand, but my legs shook with exhaustion. Once again, I tried to speak.

"How long?"

Jules shrugged. "Two days. Almost three."

Two days? What happened? How did I get to the lab? Where were my guys? Memories of what led me here assaulted my senses. Visions of Patrick's helpless expression followed by Cavil's manic glee filled my mind’s eye. I vaguely remembered Dominique helping me into Cyler’s arms. However, everything else was a blur. All that I could remember was the pain and the darkness.

I gently brushed my fingertips over my throat and tried to swallow back the emotion that was bubbling from within me. Jules followed my movement and sighed. "Just let me do the talking, please? I'll get you cleaned up and help you downstairs. I wouldn't have woken you if it wasn't important." Jules looked down at her chipped fingernails.

It took Jules a while to get me dressed and washed. I was surprised by her tenderness. Despite her huffs of annoyance, she was careful with my soreness and eased me into my clothes all while the yelling downstairs continued.

"You should have done everything in your power to make sure she never got to that point!" Maverick screamed.

"They would've killed her! They would've killed Jules! If you want to help, then find the cure!" Cyler screamed back.

When it was time to go downstairs, fear gripped me. What if Cavil punished me again? What if he killed me?

"Cavil is arranging troops to send to Saberus. He hasn't shown up here since the ivory room. Apparently, Josiah gave them a lead on one of the scientists. He’ll be here soon though, I suppose," Jules said.

Once again I tried to stand. My resolve to see them was stronger than the aches and pains.

Jules watched me cautiously. "You ready?" she asked.

“I guess,” I replied.

As we made our way downstairs, I wondered why no one was with me when I woke up. Memories of the night Cavil punished me made my eyes water. I couldn't help but feel sad. I needed reassurance. Jules silently tugged me along and forced me to move faster than my body was ready for. I gasped out in pain. Every muscle in my body felt clenched tight, like a fist.

Once downstairs, I saw them.

Sad eyes full of regret and shock met mine the moment I landed on the last step. We all stood there for a moment. The tension in the room was evident, and I noticed that even Maverick was flexed and angry. He shook away the shock of seeing me, Copyright 2016 - 2024