Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,159

pulled away and fixed my dress before standing with a smirk.

Somehow, my declaration of love, combined with our desperation to make every moment count, made us all forgo whatever boundaries we drew up in Dormas.

"She has to," Jacob interjected, but his voice was hoarse. "I want to continue this, fuck ." Jacob spun me around and kissed my lips, his tongue diving in and branding my mouth with his taste. Emboldened by everything, I drifted my fingers lower and lower until they were exploring his erection. I moaned into his mouth as I began massaging his length over his pants.

"Honey, we have to stop," he choked out. From the corner of my eye, I saw Maverick watching us with a hooded expression. Jacob pulled away just as my fingers slipped beneath the waistband of his pants, and I pouted.

"Look, I don't care what these fuckers think about us, but we have to be careful. Besides, Maverick needs to focus. There won't be a future for us if we all become vaccine rejects," Jacob said with a frown. His words were like an icy cold shock to the system.

"Fine," Maverick finally said. "But she's going to work in the lab with me. I want to have my eyes on her and keep her away from Cavil as much as possible."

"Can you actually do your work?" Jacob asked with a mischievous grin.

"Yes, I have a lab assistant that'll be joining me tomorrow. He supposedly has notes that could help solve the puzzle of this mutation. I think he’s just a spy to make sure I don’t lie about my findings."

"Okay, I'll talk to Jules and see what I can do. For now, we need to get her back and come up with a plan for dealing with Webb," Jacob said.

"Who’s Webb?" Maverick asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"He was one of the guards that brought me here," I replied in a soft voice.

"Did he hurt you?" Jacob and Maverick asked at once.

I thought back to Blan's hard slap and his choke hold, then closed my eyes to fight away the fear that coursed through me. My expression must have shown my terror because Jacob cursed and clenched his fists.

"We need to get out of here," I whispered.

Jacob leaned in closer as Maverick grabbed my hand. "Tallis is working on it. In the meantime, stay with us."

“There’s also another soldier, Blan. He’s...he’s worse than Webb. Much worse.” My face shadowed, and I tried to keep my breathing even.

“We’ll keep you safe.”

Chapter Six

The next morning, Dominique outfitted me with the apron their servers wore, and without pause, directed me to serve breakfast. Once again, I entered the dining room and felt the stares of everyone at the table. Dominique sat on a stool on Cavil’s left. I noticed that she didn’t have a plate of food, nor was she included in the conversation. She held Cavil’s napkin for him and cut up his food. She anticipated his every need. I shuddered at her complete devotion and the distinct emptiness behind her eyes.

Jules looked like she had been crying, and I couldn’t help but stare. Her cheeks were puffy, and I noticed her hands tremble as she reached for her teacup. As I passed Cyler, his fingers brushed my leg, and I was comforted by his touch, as well as excited by how his hand lingered lightly. I ached to see him. Since my time at the lab, I had felt this insatiable hunger. I wanted more.

"I just don't understand why you can't get him to talk, Miss Black. You were engaged, were you not?" Commodore Cavil asked, bringing me out of my thoughts about Cyler. He shrugged before plopping a grape into his mouth.

"We barely knew each other. The engagement was broken off before we could even establish a friendship. Josiah Stonewell is a virtual stranger to me," Jules forced out. Her eyes were hard, yet glassy as she rubbed her neck. Her fetter looked dull compared to her elegant attire, but shined in the light of the dining room. She brushed a stray hair behind her ear, and when her eye connected with the fetter on her wrist, she froze, as if just remembering it was there.

"Well, for a virtual stranger, you sure were moved by our interrogation techniques." I stiffened at Cavil's words as I served Huxley. My broody twin’s hand grazed the back of my thigh, but his eyes didn't meet mine when I looked curiously at him. Was his Copyright 2016 - 2024