The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,96

trot, monitoring Sebastian's progress as she moved.

The Anateri quickly caught up to her, one reaching out and pulling her to a gentle walk.

"Don't get too far ahead of us," Jane warned her. "You said there were enemies about. We don't need to give them an easy shot at you."

Eva flushed, nodding. Jane was right. She should have thought of that.

She inhaled, holding her breath for a moment before exhaling. She forced her shoulders and hands to relax as Caia shifted under her, picking up on her tension.

Reece appeared out of the brush like a ghost.

Darius reined to a stop beside her.

Reece beckoned them. "I found something I think you'll want to see."

Darius dismounted, handing his reins to one of his men as Eva hurried to follow.

They pushed through shrubs, suddenly stumbling to a halt as the smell of death filled the air.

Eva covered her nose. The coppery scent of blood mixed with the heavy scent of despair.

Reece stood beside a bloody heap on the ground. It took Eva several seconds to realize it was a person and not just a dirty bundle of rags.

She swallowed hard, bile and saliva threatening to come up. Unlike a warrior, she was affected by the sight and smell of death.

Those around her seemed curious, but unmoved. This was another day, another body. Not the first, and certainly not the last.

For Darius and his warriors, death was their business. They neither feared, nor abhorred it. One day it would come for them, too. Perhaps sooner than it would for other men, considering their life choices. For that reason, they treated it as a respected foe. Something to be aware of but never feared.

This attitude allowed them a certain freedom from the shackles that held most people back. Eva couldn't help but think how things might have been different in her old village if they'd had a similar perspective. Or if she'd treated death in the same fashion.

"Bastard was taken from behind," Reece said, kneeling and pointing to his wounds. "The first stab made it so he couldn't scream. The next was so he would bleed out slowly. The wielder was efficient and merciless. I found two more bodies just like him."

There was respect and admiration in the pathfinder’s voice as he outlined what had happened.

Drake whistled when he caught sight of the dead man. "Looks like someone had a little fun last night."

He knelt beside him, shifting the body for a closer look.

Jane stopped beside Eva, her expression deadpan as her partner investigated.

Drake sat back on his heels and looked up at the rest of them. "If I had to guess, I'd say this is Caden's handiwork."

Darius slid a thoughtful look Eva's way. "It seems you really were telling the truth."

"Don't rush to apologize," she said with a bravado she didn't feel.

The smile he gave her was sharp and menacing. "Don't worry, I hadn't planned on it."

Eva ignored him, looking around. "What now?"

"Now, we go hunting," Darius said as Reece stood and wiped his hands with a slight moue of distaste.

Darius walked away before Eva could voice any of the many questions crowding her mind.

Jane took her arm. "Don't worry. This is a good sign."

"How is it a good sign?" Eva asked. Dead people weren't usually a reason to rejoice.

"The commander lay in wait for this opportunity."

"How can you tell?" she asked, looking around for what she'd missed.

She still didn't see what Jane saw. The area was at the base of a hill, shrubs clinging to the dirt, rocks and boulders strewn all around.

"The signs are everywhere if you know where to look," Jane said. "He took the fight to them. He wouldn't have done that if he didn't think his odds of survival were good."

"We only need to find him," Drake said.

"And hope he's not injured," Fiona added.

Laurell slapped her in the stomach with the back of her hand.

"What?" Fiona asked.

"Sometimes I really worry about your brain," Laurell said, shaking her head.

Their banter loosened the hard fist squeezing Eva's heart and she allowed the smallest of smiles to slip out in appreciation. The fear and suspicion from last night seemed to have been washed away in the light of day.

Eva didn't know if that was a good thing or not. It was easier to keep her distance when they were treating her like a pariah. Less so, when they joked with her and acted like she was one of them. She feared it would set her up for a greater disappointment later on.

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