The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,9

midday meal; furthermore, he usually asked her to help since her presence kept the horses calm and attentive.

Eva caught a glimpse of Jason through the crowd, noticing the other two apprentices standing off to one side. She looked around for Ollie and Hardwick, seeing no signs of them.

Strange. Hardwick didn't allow apprentices in the corral without supervision. His horses were too precious to chance an apprentice damaging them.

Eva drew closer, Caia trotting after her. A stallion's scream split the air. It was all the warning Eva needed as she started sprinting toward the corral.

Stupid man. What did he think he was doing?

He didn't have permission to be in there, and he definitely didn't have permission to deal with that stallion. Worse, Eva recognized the stallion, a chestnut with a lighter mane and a white blaze on his nose. He was stubborn and slightly vicious. One day he'd make an excellent war horse, but that day wasn't today.

Today they'd be lucky if the chestnut didn't kill her idiot apprentice.

Jason flicked a whip behind the stallion's legs. "Enough. Stop fighting me."

The chestnut came back down to four feet, whirling and kicking up dirt as he paced one way before whirling and pacing in the opposite direction.

"Maybe we should wait for Hardwick or Ollie," Delia said uneasily, flicking a glance at where the three warriors stood at the edge of the corral.

Eva only had time for a quick glance at the three, noting the subdued uniform of the warrior class–dark pants and a dark-colored shirt, and a leather jacket worn over the shirt as a nod to the crisp day. Over the left breast pocket, a pattern was embossed proclaiming their division and rank.

Eva recognized one of them, the hard stare of the Warlord's first Anateri taking in the proceedings. Caden, a man as intimidating as he was dangerous, frowned at Jason and the stallion, his thoughts unreadable.

The woman beside him radiated boredom and disinterest as she watched the events unfolding. The third warrior looked mildly worried as he watched the horse charge Jason.

"I've got this, Delia," Jason gritted, jumping out of the way.

No, he didn't. He was going to get himself stomped to death.

Eva forgot the warriors as Jason flicked the whip toward the chestnut's hindquarters. The stallion's ears flattened against his skull, a wild look entering his eyes. He glared at his tormentor, his legs slightly spread. He screamed another challenge before rearing, knocking Jason to the ground. The apprentice barely scrambled out of the way as the stallion’s hooves came down where he’d been sprawled seconds before.

Delia and Quinn jolted forward, finally realizing the extent of the danger.

The warriors moved to intervene, but were too late.

Eva was already over the fence and stepping between the stallion and his prey.

"Calm." She thrust her palm out.

The horse ground to a halt with a snort as he shook his head furiously. Eva didn't let his antics intimidate her, knowing the scent of fear would only enrage the stallion more.

She couldn't do anything about the stink of it coming from the idiot behind her, but she could control her own reaction. It was all she could do in the moment.

She kept the cadence of her voice smooth and soothing. "I understand the urge to stomp him to death. I admit to feeling the same myself a time or two in the short time I've known him, but I can't let you do that."

The horse's ears slowly raised as they rotated to pick up the sound of her voice.

"Good," she said, seeing he was calming. "Now back."

The horse stepped back as Eva advanced. The horse continued retreating until he stood by the fence, not looking directly toward the two humans in the corral even as one ear remained rotated toward them.

Eva kept up a continuous croon as she squatted, making herself as non-threatening as possible.

The sound of movement came from behind her. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Jason stretching toward the whip he’d dropped.

The horse's ears went back.

"Jason, touch that whip, and I'll break your hand," she said in that same soothing voice.

Jason froze, darting a glance at her. He must have believed her because he settled back down.

The warrior woman barked a laugh from her side of the corral. "I like her."

"Fiona," the man at her side warned.

Fiona flashed him a grin as she leaned one wrist on the wood, her gaze intelligent as she watched Eva face down the stallion.

Eva put the two out of her mind, focusing all Copyright 2016 - 2024