The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,86

has to say and bear witness." It might not be much, but it was all she had to give.

She wasn't a warrior. That didn't matter. Each person had their own skills and could contribute in some way.

She could hear Sebastian’s plight. She could stand with him during this. That would have to be enough for now.

Sebastian's approval was a caress against her mind as she steeled herself for what was to come.

She glanced at Caden, feeling his eyes on her in the dark. "Do what you need to do. I won't interfere."

Brave words, full of resolve. She hoped she could keep them.

Caden nodded, respect in his expression. Eva straightened her shoulders, her mouth firming.

He bent down. "What is your name?"

The other man glared, not answering.

Caden picked up his hand, breaking a finger without a hint of remorse. Eva's stomach jolted at the easy violence.

"It's much too soon to be so stubborn. A wise man would pick his battles," Caden advised over the man's whimpers of pain. He jerked the man back to a sitting position. "Now, let's try again. What's your name?"

There was a long stubborn silence. Caden let out a sigh, reaching for the man's hand.

The man broke. "Mathias."

Caden settled back. "Very good, Mathias. You saw what I did to your companions. Do you want me to do the same to you?"

"You're going to do it anyway," Mathias said, huddling over his injured hand.

"Perhaps," Caden agreed. "But your willingness to answer my questions dictates how long it will take you to die."

There was a soft cruelty to Caden's voice that made the threat utterly believable.

A small, fearful whimper escaped Mathias and he nodded quickly.

"Good, we understand each other," Caden said, right before he sank his fist into the man's stomach.

The man groaned, bending forward and dry heaving. "You haven't asked me anything yet."

"I wanted to remind you what the consequences will be if you don’t do what I want," Caden explained.

Eva blinked and gave Caden a sideways look, her expression filled with disbelief.

"Why were you following us?" Caden asked.

"We weren't following you," Mathias said, pushing himself upright.

Eva leaned forward. "You were following Sebastian."


She sighed. Of course, he wouldn't know Sebastian's name. To him, Sebastian was a beast. Unimportant except for what he could give them. He wouldn’t see the Kyren as a thinking, feeling being. "The winged horse."

The man’s expression was cagey.

"That's who you were looking for at the lake last night, too," she offered.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Mathias snarled. Even Eva could hear the lie that time.

There was a crack of bone breaking and then a cry of pain from Mathias that was quickly cut off as Caden slammed his hand over the man’s mouth to muffle the sound. A smart move considering what could still be waiting for them out there, hiding in the dark.

"What did I tell you about lying?" Caden's voice was filled with dark promise. He sounded like a completely different person than the quiet man she knew. Yes, she'd always been aware of the monster lurking inside on some level, but knowing something was different than coming face to face with it.

"Why are you after the Kyren?" Caden asked harshly.

Mathias whimpered and Caden's lips curved.

"Look at him," Mathias gasped when Caden reached for his hand. "Whoever rules that creature controls the rest of the Broken Lands."

"How many of you are there?" Caden asked. "How many of you are working towards unseating the Hawkvale?"

Mathias shook his head. "I'm not telling you that. You might as well kill me."

"Don't tempt me, boy," Caden threatened, leaning close.

There was a small yip as the fox creature appeared. A picture of dozens of faceless humans, their forms tall and terrifying, inserted itself into her mind.

"We have to go," she said.

"I'm not done. If this is making you queasy walk a hundred yards in any direction," he said impatiently.

"That's not what this is about." Well, not all of it. "There are more men out there, and they're closing in on our position."

Caden straightened. "How do you know that?"

Eva hesitated. Whatever he’d guessed, whatever he thought he knew, she doubted it was even close to the truth. Revealing her secrets could lead to the exact same thing as what had happened with her village. She didn’t want to be driven from the Trateri and have to start all over again.

She steeled herself to speak. Now wasn’t the time for secrets. The only way to get him to believe her was by revealing a little of what she Copyright 2016 - 2024