The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,49

twisted one way and then another to work out some of the kinks.

She dropped her hands and looked around the temporary camp. It bustled with activity as the warriors prepared for nightfall.

A gradual awareness that she wasn't alone filtered through her. She straightened, her shoulders going back, her expression composed. "Can I help you, commander?"

She glanced behind her to meet Caden's inscrutable gaze.

Eva controlled her instinctive need to retreat, wanting as much space between her and the Hawkvale's sword as possible.

"It was dangerous to travel with the Kyren," he said in an even tone. "Tomorrow, you will not do that."

Eva's raised her chin, even while she outwardly remained calm. "I'll do what needs to be done. If I think the Kyren needs me to sit with him so he can remain calm and not injure himself further, that is what I'll do."

She hadn't forgotten his threat from earlier. It would take little effort on his part to break her, but that didn’t mean she’d allow him to impede her purpose here. Otherwise, why was she even here?

He stepped closer and Eva held her breath, watching him with the instinctive caution of prey when faced with a predator bigger than themselves.

"I know you feel important now that the mythologicals have shown they need you, but don't let it go to your head. You're not the Battle Queen, and you won't get away with the same things she did," Caden cautioned her.

"I have no illusions of how I fit into this. If I fail, the Trateri will cut me loose. Which is why I can't fail and will do whatever is necessary to make this work."

Caden studied her for several heartbeats. She let him see her resolve. He could threaten her again, but it wouldn't change things. Her duty was to Sebastian. She'd carry out her purpose to the best of her ability, even if it meant going through Caden.

Caden shook his head and shoved her saddlebags into her arms before stalking off, leaving an Anateri behind. The woman, tall and lean, watched her with inscrutable eyes. Jane, Eva thought she’d heard her called.

Eva ignored the woman and shifted the bags so they were more comfortable in her arms.

"You have quite an effect on him," Fiona said, coming up and slapping Eva on the back. Eva fought not to wince; the warrior woman's blow felt like getting hit with a battering ram. "I don't think I've ever seen him retreat so quickly."

Eva rubbed the offended shoulder. "I'm not quite sure what you mean."

Fiona looked Eva over, her gaze considering. "No, I imagine you don't. I have faith you will, soon."

Eva didn't know what that meant and after the long journey she wasn't into guessing games.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" she finally asked the Anateri who still hadn't moved from her position.

"Don't mind her, she's doing what she's told," Fiona said.

"And that is?"

"Protecting you."

Eva snorted disbelievingly at Fiona as the warrior stepped past her and indicated for Eva to follow.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Eva asked, shifting her bags again. They hadn’t seemed heavy when she’d lifted them to the saddle earlier, but now they felt like they increased in weight with each step.

"What do you think it means? I know our people are different but there's really only one way to take that."

"I mean, why?" Eva said, waving the insult away.

Fiona raised an eyebrow at her as if asking if she was stupid, as well as obtuse. "Your Sebastian is one of the few Kyren we’ve gotten to interact with. He’s the first to indicate a willingness to ally with the Hawkvale, and he's made it clear you're an important reason for that. Like it or not, you've become the most important person except for Shea and Fallon to the Trateri. Your success isn’t possible if you die. Caden and his people are here to make sure that doesn't happen."

They approached the peak of a hill, and Fiona started down a slightly worn path. She was halfway down when she realized Eva still stood at the top. She raised an eyebrow. "Are you coming?"

Eva hesitated. It seemed safer up here. It'd definitely be quieter. She wasn't sure how much more of the other woman's truths she wanted to listen to.

Fiona tilted her head at the path. "The pathfinder said there’s a natural hot spring down there. I'm told it is a decadent luxury few have the opportunity to experience. I thought you could use some refreshing."

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