The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,47

her, the look in his eyes asking, who did she think she was kidding? Her smile in response was surprisingly mischievous. "I think you just like being grumpy."

She pointed at the straps. "These will keep you from accidentally injuring your leg further. If necessary, you can fly out any time you want."

She started past him. The glimpse of Caden's tense face where he stood at the very edge of the wagon, surprised her. As did the sword he held in his hand. Her lips parted on a question.

Sharp teeth closed over her shirt, stopping her.

Eva jerked back, even as Caden started to lunge forward. "No, it's fine."

Her words halted him in his tracks. His eyes narrowed, unhappiness on his face.

Sebastian shifted, finally sensing the Anateri commander. He blew out a sharp breath and lifted one back leg in warning as his head turned.

She glared at Sebastian. "Enough of that."

Sebastian bared sharp teeth as he stared her down.

Her back straightened and she narrowed her eyes.

"Eva, what's the hold up?" Ollie asked.

"I need a minute. It seems the lummox is being a wee bit difficult," she said.

The lummox in question snorted disdainfully at her.

"Now, see here, " she started, propping her hands on her hips. "I have to get out there so we can get going. You're the one who was in an all fire hurry to start. The least you could do is not make my life any harder than it has to be."

For a creature with an equine face, Sebastian was incredibly expressive.

Right now, insolence and demand radiated from every feature. She wasn't getting past him without a fight.

"You wouldn't dare."

Caden's body was tense, his focus piercing as he crept an inch toward them.

Sebastian's muzzle darted forward. Eva danced back as his teeth clicked shut on the spot where she'd just stood.

Caden crouched, his sword lifting for a strike.

"No, I'm fine."

Caden didn't look like he believed her, but he didn't advance again.

"This is quite the development," Ajari said.

She looked up to find the Tenrin perched on the wagon wall where he propped his head on one hand and smiled lazily down at her.

"Do something," she said.

"Oh no, I wouldn't dream of interfering. If your people want a relationship with the Kyren, you're the one who is going to have to establish it. My stepping in anytime you have a communication problem will only delay things," he responded.

Eva might have believed him if he didn’t seem so gleeful at her predicament.

She glowered at the interfering nuisance.

"Now, herd mistress, what will you do next?" he taunted.

She pressed her lips together. The Tenrin expected her to fail. Maybe beg for help like some scared little girl.

Eva studied Sebastian and the determined look on his face. He wasn't going to let her slip by him. Worse, if she continued to try, she was very much afraid Caden would act on the thought she could already see floating through his head.

She had no choice.

Stupid, obstinate creature.

"Eva, what's going on?" Hardwick asked.

"What's the hold up?" Darius asked.

"I don't know, sir. Eva's still in there," Hardwick said.

"The woman?"

"Yes," Hardwick replied.

"I'm going to stay in here," Eva called, finally speaking up. "The Kyren might panic still. It's best if I remain to keep him calm."

It sounded as good an excuse as any. Eva couldn't very well admit the Kyren was refusing to let her out.

Only Caden knew the truth. Whether he would share was up in the air. He shook his head in disbelief, sheathing his sword before disappearing over the edge of the back. Gone, as silently and quickly as he’d appeared.

Eva fought the urge to kick the side of the wagon like a recalcitrant child. Why did the commander always seem to catch her at the worst of times?

There was a heavy sigh from Darius. "If that's the case, there's no reason to delay further."

There was the sound of footsteps as he moved off.

Eva lowered herself to sitting, catching a glimpse of Hardwick between the slats. He didn't seem pleased by this new turn of events.

Hardwick reached up, sliding his fingertips through the small opening. Eva touched hers to them.

"Safe travels. Stay near Ollie and don't do anything rash," Hardwick warned.

"No promises."

He snorted and then sighed. "If I was younger, I'd go with you."

Eva couldn't help her amused scoff. "You have more energy than any of us."

"True enough. Still, I’m too old to be roughing it. Don't die. I don't want to go to the trouble of training someone else." He stepped back and moved away, Copyright 2016 - 2024