The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,30

that," Fallon suggested in a deep rumble.

Shea jerked to face him. "I'm perfectly capable of escorting Ajari. I'm not an invalid yet."

"I agree, but you had a long night and you're hurting and tired today. Let someone else do it," Fallon said gently.

Ajari's head tilted. "I find myself in agreement with your warlord. Examining the bodies can wait, especially since you're not as spry as you once were."

There was a choked sound from Lainie, while Darius suddenly became absorbed with his wine glass. Eva glanced back at Caden, her eyes wide as she shuffled toward the door, making it obvious she'd prefer to be anywhere but here.

Fallon's expression was frozen between laughter and horror.

Ajari glanced around the room, his intelligent gaze taking in the sudden tension. "Is it something I said? I am still learning the nuances of human interactions."

Humor glinted in Fallon's eyes as he and Caden shared a glance. Caden shook his head. Poor bastard. He had no idea the hornet’s nest he'd stumbled into. It would be entertaining watching Shea teach Ajari the error of his thinking.

Ajari's gaze grew wary as he noticed Shea appeared seconds away from leaping out of her seat and clawing his face off.

"You have much to learn, Ajari," Lainie said smoothly, only a hint of amusement threading through her voice. "Women do not like having such things thrown in their face." Her gaze cut to Shea. "True as they might be."

Shea relaxed into her chair, looking less like she wanted to do bodily harm to the Tenrin, as she grudgingly conceded they all had a point. "Damn stomach. I can't get anything done around it anymore." She glared at Fallon. "I blame you for this."

He smirked. "I remember you being a more than willing participant."

Whatever remark Shea had was forestalled as she grimaced, one hand going to her stomach.

Ajari's eyes dropped to where her hand rested. "The young one grows strong."

"A little too strong," Shea said with a wince. "I'd prefer he or she save the cartwheeling and kicking for when they're not inside me."

Ajari's mouth twitched even as his gaze went back to Fallon. "I've spoken with Sebastian. His version of events seems to agree with yours. It's why I didn't have my escort fly me off the second we arrived."

"You've been playing us this entire time," Shea said in realization. There was a speculative look on her face as if she didn't know whether to be angry or impressed, as Ajari bent slightly at the waist in a short bow.

"As you say," he said.

"Why?" Fallon rumbled.

Ajari straightened before giving the Warlord a respectful nod. "For this alliance to work, we must both be able to look past our long history as enemies. I needed to test your response to determine the depth of your character."

Shea and Fallon silently regarded the mythological.

"What's the rest of your reason for testing us?" Darius asked.

"We need to ask a favor," Ajari responded. "The Kyren are at a crossroads. They sent Sebastian to find help. Unfortunately, he was waylaid by men posing as your soldiers. Given the alliance we have, he dropped his guard. It allowed them to capture him, delaying his mission."

Fallon and Darius exchanged glances, neither man happy to hear that the winged horse had been captured by people masquerading as Trateri. It pointed to a wider problem they'd only caught the barest glimpses of so far.

They were standing in the midst of a building storm. It seemed the Kyren's appearance was about to push them into the center of it.

Darius motioned one of his people forward. A woman with the sides of her head shaved, her hair longer on top approached, bending slightly as he spoke quietly into her ear. She listened for a moment before striding away.

"We will help if we can. Did Sebastian say what his people needed?" Shea asked.

"They'd planned to watch and determine if you were worthy of the task they planned to request of you," Ajari said simply.

"Please. Don't leave us in suspense," Lainey said with a wry twist of her lips as they all waited.

Ajari's expression didn't thaw. "Despite your claims of innocence, it would be easy for my brother to assume otherwise. Whether it was your intent or not, people wearing your insignia sought to enslave Sebastian. We have wiped out civilizations for less."

"Get to the point, mythological," Fallon ordered.

A cunning expression skated across Ajari's face. "We are willing to overlook this for a small concession on your part."

"That is?" Shea arched an eyebrow.

Ajari was Copyright 2016 - 2024