The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,28

made him ungainly and slow. Somehow, he managed a grace and speed that matched Caden's own horse.

"He shouldn't run after last night," the woman observed in a calm voice.

Caden fought to quell his impatience. They didn't have time for this. "Then he should stay with the other two."

Eva shrugged, her slight shoulders moving up and down against him. "We're discussing his fate. If it was you, wouldn't you want to be present for that?"

She craned her head back, her clear eyes meeting his. Caden couldn't see any of the bitterness or resentment that seemed to be present in every other throwaway’s gaze. Even Shea had come to them with that look in her eyes, as if daring them to test her.

Not Eva. If she felt any anger toward them, it was well hidden, not even a slight suggestion of the emotion leaking out.

It made him wonder what she kept locked inside that head of hers, taunting him with a riddle he still hadn’t managed to solve.

He slowed Nell to a trot, allowing the mythological to catch up.

Eva's lips tilted up in a relieved smile, transforming her entire face. She was always pretty, but in that unguarded moment she was breathtaking.

They thundered over the bridge and through the portcullis into the Keep.

Caden dismounted first and was in the process of reaching up to help Eva, only to find her already sliding off on her own. His arms remained raised for several seconds before he dropped them.

She moved past him with barely a glance, already dismissing him from her attention in favor of the Kyren. The beast fluttered his wings as he turned in place, chirping in a way no horse ever would.

"Easy there. No one here is going to hurt you," Eva crooned.

Not entirely true. If Fallon or Shea gave the order, every man and woman on the walls would put an arrow through the Kyren, no questions asked.

Caden kept that to himself. He didn't have time for the hysterics of a throwaway who couldn't comprehend the intricate nature of the Trateri command structure.

"Let's go." They didn't have time for this.

Eva paused where she was patting the Kyren's neck as she took in the large wooden door to the Keep. Consternation flashed across her face.

Didn't think about that, did you?

Caden crossed his arms over his chest and waited to see what she'd do next.

The Kyren might be able to fit through the door—if the pathfinders guarding it would allow it. Caden somehow doubted that.

Now, what is your next move, herd mistress?

Eva bit her lip as her gaze turned to him, slightly pleading. She wanted to ask him to bring the Warlord and his council out here, even as he knew she wouldn't dare. There were some lines you didn't cross. Even a throwaway would know that.

Caden’s gaze caught on a slight tear in her shirt, skin peeking through from where the Kyren had grabbed it.

She opened her mouth and he tensed, anticipating her rebellion.

"Perhaps I should wait here," she finally said, gazing around her.


She cocked her head, her expressive face showing her irritation. To his surprise, she didn't challenge him. Not verbally at least.

She continued to pet the Kyren until the creature reached around and shoved her toward the door with his nose. She stumbled forward and would have fallen if the Kyren's wing hadn't come out to catch her.

"Oh, all right," she told the Kyren.

Eva straightened her shoulders and faced Caden, her cheeks slightly red as if she just realized he'd been watching the strange interaction.

"I'm ready," she said.

"Finally." Caden grabbed the door to the Keep and opened it, slipping through before she could.

He knew she'd see it as an insult but didn't care. These Lowlanders didn't understand security. He was the killer in this scenario, trained to end a person's life in more ways than the woman behind him would probably ever comprehend. It only made sense for him to go first.

Caden moved quickly. They were late—especially considering Ajari's head start.

Caden didn't like being late. Not when his Warlord and Battle Queen were in the mix.

He hated that he wasn't there to protect their backs. Furthermore, he resented the horse mistress for making his delay necessary.

She hurried after him, her steps loud as she fought to keep pace.

Caden's mind had already turned to security matters and away from the inconvenience dogging his footsteps by the time they reached the meeting room.

Horace, upon seeing him approach, snapped to attention and pulled open the door.

Caden stopped by his side. "Anything I Copyright 2016 - 2024