The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,22

she would be dead. So very dead.

Surely the Warlord would prefer someone with more experience, someone the Trateri trusted implicitly, to take care of the mythological. Not Eva. The tagalong they'd stumbled across by accident. Someone whose own family had gladly betrayed her.

"Warlord—sir—Fallon." Eva fumbled for the correct manner of address, conscious of Ollie snickering at her attempts. "I'm not sure I'm the right person for this."

Shea raised an eyebrow at Eva. "Are you questioning your skills? Perhaps a different herd master would be more appropriate. I hear Bo out of the Earth Clan has a firm hand."

Eva blanched, the thought of Bo caring for the mythological abhorrent. The other herd master was harsh with his horses and they were the worst trained in the army. He wasn't bad, just set in his ways. He'd try to treat the mythological like another horse and probably end up eaten as a result.


"Or perhaps you question our decision." Fallon's expression was severe.

Eva shook her head, managing to stammer, "I'm not—I just—Hardwick—"

"Is busy with his own herd," Fallon said over her. "As important as the mythological's appearance and health is, I can't allow those mounts to be neglected."

Shea winked at Eva, taking the sting out of Fallon's words. The Warlord got a long-suffering look, as if his Battle Queen undercutting his authority was a regular occurrence.

Shea stepped forward, speaking for Eva's ears alone. "I know this will seem like a bigger task than you want to take on. You'll be forced into the light and others will question why you were chosen. Why would someone who isn't Trateri be allowed to care for a creature bearing an uncanny resemblance to one of their gods?"

Eva watched the other woman carefully. Shea's guess was scarily accurate.

Shea grinned. "Sometimes our actions shape fate, and other times fate chooses us. You can ignore the call, but it will just draw you in some other way. Besides, do you really think someone could do a better job than you?"

No, she didn't. It wasn't arrogance that led Eva to believe she was one of the best—with the exception of Hardwick. It was something she knew in her bones, a little voice that bolstered her when others doubted. Even Ollie didn't have quite her knack.

Seeing the acquiescence on Eva's face, Shea's smile slowly widened. That smile lit Shea up from the inside, transforming her already interesting face into one of beauty. It was a thing of purity and light.

"Good. I'd expect no less from the woman who confronted me and demanded I act in protection of her horses," Shea said.

"Don't fail," Fallon advised. The heavy weight of his stare sent shivers racing down Eva's back. The Warlord was not a man you'd want to disappoint. The consequences would be severe and probably life-ending.

Her "I won't," was almost lost as the Warlord helped Shea re-mount before leaping onto his own horse.

Eva was left feeling like she'd gotten caught in a tornado, her life coming unspun around her. She became abruptly aware of Caden's dark gaze on her where he lingered a few steps away.

"My men will be with you at all times," Caden said.

Eva had to wonder if that was a threat or an offer of protection. She nodded slowly, eyeing him carefully.

He narrowed his eyes before stalking off, taking the crackle of his intimidating presence with him.

The tension that had strung her muscles tight during the odd encounter slowly leaked from her as Caden mounted a piebald stallion with a white strip down his nose, named Nell. Eva had always liked caring for him. The horse’s temperament was very different from his master’s, sweet and loyal, where the man was cold and abrupt.

Eva remained upright until the group had ridden off. Only once they were gone did she allow herself to bend forward, releasing a harsh exhale.

That had been intense. How did Shea stand that atmosphere all the time? The Battle Queen must have nerves of steel.

Hardwick's heavy hand landed on her shoulder. "The Warlord tends to have that effect on people. You get used to it with time."

"No offense, but I'd rather not." Eva hoped this was her first and last encounter with the Hawkvale. Too much time in his presence would give her heart palpitations.

Ollie approached with an expression of stunned disbelief. "I can't believe the Hawkvale himself was here. This story will make the other herd masters so jealous."

Hardwick grunted, his attention already shifting to the mythological. He was careful to keep his distance, despite having worked Copyright 2016 - 2024