The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,167

need in his face. Almost like he was begging her to ask the question.

She shook her head, before letting her forehead drop to his chest. His arms closed around her, wrapping her in a tight embrace.

Because of Jason, and from things Caden had told her, she knew exactly how hard he’d worked for his position at Fallon’s side.

How could she ask him to leave that?

The answer was she couldn’t. He had to decide for himself. She already knew which choice he would make, and it wasn’t her. The worst thing was, she couldn’t even blame him. Not really.

Fallon was his purpose, his home. Caden had found a place at his side. Eva needed to find her own place now.

Eva let herself linger in his embrace. Just one more minute. One minute passed and then another. She breathed in his smell, wrapping it around her, memorizing it.

She stepped back, not quite able to meet his eyes. “Come on, Fox. We need to get going. Hardwick wanted to speak with me about some things before we leave tomorrow morning.”

Caden was silent as the fox leapt down, rubbing his side against Caden’s leg before padding over to Eva.

“I’ll see you the next time I’m back,” Eva said, finally meeting Caden’s eyes. She concealed her flinch at the stoic expression that greeted her, his gaze expressionless.

She didn’t let herself hold out hope they’d be together again like they just were. It might be months before she returned. Years possibly. He would no doubt move on, if not by the next visit, then eventually.

She knew herself well enough to know she wouldn’t. Somehow, he’d managed to reach past the wall she’d kept between herself and everyone else. He’d made a place for himself there, and not even ripping him out by the roots would heal the hole his absence would leave.

He didn’t say anything, only stared at her, that odd look in his eyes.

She flashed another stiff smile, and patted her leg to signal the fox. She walked toward the door, feeling like she was leaving an important piece of her behind.

So faint, she almost didn’t hear over the wind, she heard him say, “I grow weary of you walking away from me.”

Funny thing, she felt the same way.


"Have everything?" Hardwick asked gruffly.

Eva nodded, resisting the urge to check her bag again. She'd done so three times already.

The herd master looked over the Kyren and grunted. "I'll be up to check on you in a few months. We're driving some of the herd up there. Fallon wants me to find and breed a few mountain horses with ours to see if we can produce a mount better suited to this climate."

"Smart," Eva said.

He looked at the Kyren again and shook his head. "You're wasted on them. If you ever change your mind, I’ll take you back."

Eva's smile was small and tentative. "I never got to thank you for everything you've done for me."

He waved her words away with a grunt. "Didn't do it for any other reason than you were useful." He reached back and pulled out a set of reins, the colors and weaving of the leather distinctive. They were of Hardwick's own design using materials from the Earth clan.

"Thought you could use a pair," he rumbled. "If they'll let you use them."

Eva took them, her eyes wide and admiring. It would have taken him days to create this. She'd never seen him give a pair to anyone, despite the begging and cajoling of more than one warrior. Even Ollie had never gotten a set.

"I can't accept this—" she started.

He clapped her on the shoulder. "It's the least you can do since you're ruining all my carefully crafted plans. Do you know how hard it is to find decent herd masters?"

Eva was struck speechless at this confirmation of Shea's prediction.

"Take care of the runt. Jason shows promise if you can force him to get his head out of his ass," Hardwick instructed.

She'd asked Jason to accompany her to the herd lands. Somehow, he'd grown on her over the trip. Leaving him behind had felt wrong, and she had a feeling she could use his help. The man had proven he could be an asset.

Those accompanying them would ride the Kyren until they met up with the group making their way back toward the Keep. There, they would hook up with them, choosing their mounts. The injured would be escorted back by several Kyren while those who could travel would accompany Eva the rest of Copyright 2016 - 2024