The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,156

city had long since burned off, leaving the path out of the it free. It was the type of morning that contained a slight nip in the air but you knew by midmorning any chill would be a distant memory. It was the sort of day Eva used to love. Full of possibilities and routine.

Her routine was a little topsy-turvy but it was still there. She'd spent the morning looking over the horses of those remaining behind, making sure they were ready for the ride home and deciding which mounts would be used, and which would be reserved until the first batch tired.

There was a small outcry when Orion and the other Kyren were spotted, bringing Eva out of the stables where she'd been cataloging the leftover tack.

She shielded her eyes against the morning sun when she spotted the dark blots against the bright blue as they grew steadily larger.

Orion was first on the ground, his legs galloping while he was still in the air so it was a smooth transition. Ten of his Kyren companions landed next to him.

Ajari waited beside Eva as the Kyren trotted toward them.

Caller, Orion said in greeting.

She quite sure of the proper response for him so she settled for bowing her head in respect.

She felt rather than saw his amusement as Orion moved his attention to Ajari, taking in the mythological standing with ease, even with the humans at his back. I see things are beginning to change for you, old friend. Your views of the humans don't seem so grim anymore.

"They've managed to grow on me. They might not be totally worthless after all."

There was a rumble from Orion that Eva didn't know how to interpret.

What is your will, Caller? Orion asked.

Eva darted a hesitant glance between Ajari and Orion as they waited expectantly. Even Darius was content to watch.

Sebastian had landed last and stood a little apart from his people.

"Too much has happened for it all to be swept under the rug," Eva said. "You once helped Shea for reasons that were your own. I'm asking now that you consider the Trateri’s offer of a treaty and alliance."

Orion studied her. Still not the boon we owe you.

Eva shook her head. "This would be as much to your benefit as mine."

Very well. We will meet with your leaders. Orion's gaze fell on Sebastian. It's the least we can do.

Eva felt her heart jump with relief. Perhaps there was a way out of this crisis after all.

Pick our riders. Choose well. It is a long way to fall if man and Kyren do not get along.

Eva wiped sweaty palms on her pants. This was a test. One she hoped she passed. She didn't think she'd like the consequences if she failed.

She pushed any anxiety that wanted to infect her away, treating this as she would any Trateri warrior who approached her looking for a new mount from her yearlings.

Pairing mount with rider was always important. The temperaments of both came into play. Choose wrong and both suffered, usually the horse more so, but occasionally the rider.

"I'll take Sebastian," Eva said, her decision easy.

She ran her eyes over the rest, needing to find a good one for the general. The obvious pick would be Orion, but some instinct told her Caden would be better suited to him.

She found her choice in a large roan with speckled wings. His eyes were intelligent and he seemed well-equipped for battle. He'd suit Darius.

"Him, for Darius," she said pointing. "Orion for Caden."

After that, it didn't take long to choose. Fiona got a pretty gray mare with a white blaze on her nose. She was sweet but Eva could tell she was also fierce. Roscoe got a stallion who was the opposite of the mare but his eyes were gentle.

"What about saddles?" Ghost asked. "I don't know about anyone else, but bareback is already difficult when the horse has four legs on the ground. I don't want to see how much worse it would be midair."

Eva exchanged a glance with Orion. "He has a point. Talks will not go well if we end up splattered all over the ground."

There was an irritated snort from him. You sound like the Battle Queen.

Eva smothered her surprise, amusement threading through her at the thought of Shea having a similar conversation with him. It did sound like something like the Battle Queen would say.

Orion bobbed his head before trotting over to the saddles they had set beside the buildings in the hopes of using. Copyright 2016 - 2024