The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,153

through the trees without another word, disappearing as quickly as he'd come.

"Is that an arm you're eating?" Ghost asked suddenly, his focus locked on Ajari. The disgust and horror in his voice was easy to hear, a reflection of Eva's initial reaction.

Ajari leveled a flat stare on him. "It always amazes me that for such vicious predators, humans can be surprisingly squeamish."

Ghost sputtered. "Because you're eating people!"

Roscoe nodded insistently.

Ajari cocked his head, irritation clouding his expression.

"How would you feel if someone ate one of you guys?" Roscoe asked.

Ajari's smile flashed sharp, blood-stained teeth. "I would ask them to pass me a piece. How do you think we survived our centuries of imprisonment?"

Ghost gagged, his eyes widening in horror. Roscoe looked slightly ill.

Ajari's laugh trailed behind him as he moved into the trees.

Fiona lingered as the other two trailed behind Ajari, still arguing about why people eating people was wrong. Eva hesitated before joining the warrior. Her pain pulled at Eva as she glanced around.

It occurred to Eva she was looking for Laurell.

"She killed the woodling who was the cause of all this and saved us," Eva said. "She died a hero."

Fiona didn't respond, her expression unreadable, more so than Eva had ever seen.

Hanna joined them then. "I've got her, Eva. You don't need to worry."

Eva hesitated, not wanting to leave Fiona to the abyss of pain she could sense waiting. She met Hanna's eyes before nodding. The two women might act like frenemies most of the time, but Eva had the feeling the bond between them ran deep. They were rivals but they respected each other too. Opposites in looks and personality, but the same where it counted.

Hanna wouldn't let Fiona sink too deep into grief before drawing her out. Of that, Eva was sure.


They were halfway back to the city when Caden began to stir in the makeshift litter the Trateri had built.

"Eva," was a faint groan as he struggled upright.

Eva hurried to his side, pressing one hand against his shoulder. "Shh, you're safe now. Stay down until a healer looks you over."

His hand closed on hers. "I had the strangest dream I was dead, but I could still hear your voice crying out for me. I couldn't get to you."

Those who heard gave Eva long looks she pretended not to see. It was best if their suspicions remained un-addressed. For everyone. Suspicions weren't truths. They'd be less likely to risk everything if they had a seed of doubt.

"But you're not dead and I'm right here," she said lightly.

His smile was weak, as was his grip on her hand. It was almost frightening how little strength he had.

He'd come so close to death. He'd been a knife's edge from falling to its grasp. Her heart clenched, emotion making words impossible.

If Orion hadn't come, if he hadn't been moved to save Caden—Eva pushed the thought down hard along with the grief and panic that wanted to well up on its heels. Orion had come. He had saved Caden. Caden was right here, alive, and already puzzling through the deception she needed him to believe.

You could get lost in the “what ifs”, torture yourself until you were quivering in the corner, or you could count your blessings. In the end, death came for them all, but today, death would have to wait a little while longer for this man.

Caden touched his side, moving the soiled clothes out of the way so he could trace the lightly scarred skin with wonder. His gaze when it rose to hers was awed. "You'll have to tell me the story of this someday."

Her smile was strained and stiff. The weight of Ajari's gaze was tangible even as he moved silently through the trees; invisible despite his close proximity.

"But not today." Or ever if she had her say about it. "That bump on your head has likely scrambled things worse than they already are. Rest. I'm sure you'll be on your feet making my life difficult soon enough."

Caden relaxed back, closing his eyes with a small smirk. "I'm sure it's the other way around. You're harder to keep safe than even Fallon."

Indignation and insult welled. "I hardly think I have as many enemies as the Warlord."

"Yet, I have never come closer to death protecting him," Caden said, not opening his eyes.

Eva's mouth snapped shut on a scalding response. She couldn't argue with that.

She leaned closer, lowering her voice in the hopes he'd be the only one to hear this next part. "And you never will again, Copyright 2016 - 2024