The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,147

of the mist bearing down on them like an avalanche and sucked in her breath to shout.

Pressure built in her head.

I couldn’t get us home by myself. The mist was too far out of reach and I was too weak to call it to me, let alone navigate it while carrying my young. If we ever meet again, I owe you and your fox much, the Kyren whispered.

Eva spun toward her even as the mare’s wings flared, the tips striking her. The pressure building in her head burst. Darkness reined as she collapsed to the ground in a faint.


Caden sunk his blade into a man's back, piercing his heart instantly. The man didn't even have time to realize what was happening before he was already dead.

Caden lowered him gently to the ground, not because he felt remorse for what he'd done, but rather he didn't want the sound announcing his death to the others in the cenote.

Caden moved through the trees, killing everything in his way.

It didn't take long for their quarry to be on to him, and soon Caden became the hunted. All according to plan.

There was the creak of wood and then spikes burst from the ground, skewering the ones chasing him. Caden raced to the next trap, letting the enemy see him and give chase as he led them right over the hasty pit he'd dug, rough pointed spears at the bottom.

Several fell, their screams echoing through the trees as they were impaled.

Those who survived were more wary, less inclined to chase blindly. They stepped over the next trap but missed the one lurking in the trees. Several paid for that oversight with their lives.

Caden caught his breath as he leaned against a tree, out of view for now.

He wasn't killing enough. Too many were escaping the traps that had been dug and set in haste. He was going to lose this battle. It was only a matter of time.

He pushed off the tree, blinking back sweat. Guess he'd just have to take as many of the bastards with him as he could. Every second he delayed gave Eva more of a chance.


Eva blinked dazedly up at the leaves, the sun playing hide-and-seek behind them, the gray walls of the cenote stretching up to the cloudy sky above. She sat up with a groan, raising a hand to her head.

What happened?

She remembered the Kyren and the voice in her head right before the mother and foal had disappeared into the mist.

She twisted, studying the grove only to find it empty except for her. She didn't know how, but the mare had managed to take her offspring and leave.

"You couldn't have taken me too?" Eva grumbled, pushing herself to her feet.

Her head pounded. She reached up, her hand coming away wet with blood. She must have hit her head when she fainted.

The rustle of branches sent her heart lurching seconds before Caden stumbled through them, covered in blood, his face white with pain.

"Caden," she gasped, rushing to his side.

Blood poured from beneath the hand he clasped to his belly. He sank to his knees and Eva caught him as he toppled to his side, lowering him gently to the ground.

"What are you doing here? You were supposed to get clear." Her hands fluttered over him as she checked on the injuries. An arrow was lodged in his leg, another in his shoulder.

The wound that concerned her most was the stomach wound that Caden had his hand clamped over.

"I was never going to leave you," he said through gritted teeth.

He let her move his hand, a small groan leaving him. She made a pained sound at the sight of the wound. It'd pierced his abdomen, and blood slid from it in thick rivulets. She'd been around enough injured animals to know a mortal wound when she saw it.

There was knowledge in his eyes when she looked back at him with a lost expression.

"I'm not getting out of this one." He raised one hand to her cheek, a soft smile transforming his face. "Worth it though."

She took his hand and shook her head. It wasn't. It really wasn't.

"I bought you as much time as I could. You need to go," he said. "They're right behind me."

She shook her head again, emotion stealing her voice and leaving her mute.

"Yes—you need to survive," he said. "I sent Jason and Kent for Darius. Head for the city. They'll meet you."

"I'm not leaving you behind," she argued.

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